Unusual hybrid piano
Welcome to The Plucked Grand Piano , a library dedicated to deeply sampling the plucking and hammering of grand piano strings. We took a world-class grand piano and recorded each string using a giant pick. This instrument is best described as a hybrid of harp, clavinet, guitar, lute, and the unforgettable sound of a harpsichord. Plus, we added a bonus Hammered articulation using a special miniature hammer. The sound is reminiscent of a dulcimer.
With our little masterpiece complete, we delved even deeper into the usability of the sound and imported it into a feature-packed interface, giving you all the creative freedom you could possibly need. Plucking or striking the strings of a piano creates a completely different sound than normal playing, as you are striking one string instead of three.
Even though the other strings resonate with the main string being struck, the sound is much more distinctive, focused, booming, and full of “wah.” It’s much more like a harp crossed with a giant 88-string guitar, but it’s still completely unique.

- Download 8Dio – The New Plucked Grand Piano (Kontakt)
- Original Publisher: 8Dio
- Category: Kontakt Library, Sound Libraries
- Require: Kontakt (5.5.1+)
- License type: Full
- Download Size: 2.51 GB