Free Download Audio Damage AD054 Other Desert Cities for Windows and macOS. Other Desert Cities is a workshop for creativity. There are many strange and wonderful things hidden inside. With six algorithms, each with their own unique personality, and extensive modulation capabilities, Other Desert Cities can fill many niches, from simple stereo dual delays to never-before-seen pitch-shifted granular chaos.
Desert Shores Stereo Delay.
This is a standard double delay with basic EQ, saturation, crossfeed and extension.
Mecca Reverse Delay
Normal double delay, except the replays play in reverse.
Cactus Dual-Delta Delay
It’s more like using a pair of tape delays with individual speed controls and pitch quantization.
Thermal Mullti-Tap Delay
Dual multi-tap, with scatter, cross feed and basic EQ.
Mirage Multi-Head Delay
Imagine if you had tape delay, but the head looked like the spinning head on a VCR. Experimental, weird and wonderful.
Sky Valley Granular Delay
Granular delay with pitch shifting, grain size and spread control, and EQ.
Other Desert Cities includes a full set of modulations. Using two tempo-locked variable waveform LFOs and an envelope follower sourced from either the main or sidechain inputs, nearly every control across the entire user interface can be widely modulated, opening up new dimensions of sonic possibilities.
Other Desert Cities also includes a diffuser to “smear” the feedback path and bring the ODC closer to the reverb region (especially with Thermal’s multi-touch algorithm).
Other Desert Cities’ other superpower is input/output management. Every aspect of a signal chain’s gain structure can be controlled and modulated. You should not want to dive into this delay. Everything can be muted, panned, oscillated, enveloped and controlled to your heart’s content. Note that the Mute and Input Level controls are the input levels of the delay block and do not affect the dry signal; this includes tail behavior and the ability to use an insert effect such as send.

- Download Audio Damage – AD054 Other Desert Cities v1.0.11 x64 (WiN, macOS) VST3, AUv3, CLAP, AAX [05.2024] RETAiL
- Original Publisher: Audio Damag
- Version: 1.0.11
- Format: VST3, AUv3, CLAP, AAX
- Category: VST Plugins
- Require: Windows 8.1 or newer and Universal Binary 2 for Intel/M1 macOS 10.12 or newer/ AUv3 – iOS 11, iPadOS 13 or newer
- License type: Full
- Download Size: 110.5 MB