BLEASS Sidekick is a combination of a drum synthesizer, a step sequencer and a ducker (also known as a side chain compressor). The result is a plugin that provides a unique way to create breathtaking rhythmic dynamics in your music.
The kick drum synthesizer uses an analog engine inspired by vintage beatboxes, allowing it to create a wide range of classic analog kick drum tones with ease. This synthesizer can be triggered by the built-in 16-step sequencer or external MIDI input; its audio can be mixed with the audio passing through the plug-in, used to trigger the plug-in’s muting stage, or both.
When used without a ducker, the BLEASS Sidechain makes it easy to add your own kick drum parts to loops and other percussion parts.
Turning on the ducker causes the input volume to be reduced whenever the kick synth is triggered. When used with a drum loop, this allows you to layer your own creativity on the underlying feel and beat of the loop by muting the kick and loop pattern so you can replace them with the sound and pattern you created.
Perhaps the best trick of the BLEASS Sidekick is to use the kick synth and sequencer solely as a ducker’s trigger. This allows you to create exciting and detailed dynamic rhythms in any part or track, whether it’s a single instrument or an entire mix.