This sample pack faithfully captures the sound of 90s Memphis rap . We recorded and processed the sounds of the original DR5 drum machine used by many Memphis producers. Includes all of the original DR5 drum and instrument sounds, as well as Tape and Lo-Fi processed versions of the drum sounds. The DR5 drum machine was one of the first machines to define the sound of Memphis rap in the 90s. This bundle also includes a free PDF file with lo-fi and VST mixing methods.
220 DR5 Original Drum Sounds (processed through an Analog Mixer)
86 Tape Processed DR5 Drum Sounds
39 Lo-Fi Processed DR5 Drum Sounds
82 DR5 Instrument Sounds (Multiple One-Shots included for maximum flexibility)
Tape Hiss & Vinyl Record Crackle FX
FREE Lo- Fi Mixing & VST Tips PDF
86 Tape Processed DR5 Drum Sounds
39 Lo-Fi Processed DR5 Drum Sounds
82 DR5 Instrument Sounds (Multiple One-Shots included for maximum flexibility)
Tape Hiss & Vinyl Record Crackle FX
FREE Lo- Fi Mixing & VST Tips PDF