Two hand dulcimer were built according to the 1624 model of John Rückers, which is kept in the Unterlinden Museum (previously belonged to the de Sade family and was kept in the castle of Conde, Conde -en-Brie).
The Flemish cembalo has a solid construction, colorful tone with rich resonance. Flemish craftsmen appear to have been the first to build double-manual harpsichords after 1600.
The Rückers workshop is credited with producing probably the most advanced harpsichords, and even today it is the benchmark for harpsichordists and harpsichord makers.
Copy the OrganDefinitions and OrganInstallationPackages folders to the Hauptwerk\HauptwerkSampleSetsAndComponents folder,
or select this folder for downloading the distribution (as the destination folder!) to avoid copying
or select this folder for downloading the distribution (as the destination folder!) to avoid copying