Small is additional stunning. sixteen of the best string players, enjoying the best instruments via the best signal path within the Hall at Air Studios, London. an excellent deep-sampled cyclopedia of string articulations and techniques. The emotional person team’s favorite string product to-date.
When several people hear the word “chamber” we expect of white wigs and harpsichords. In fashionable vernacular but it merely describes a band that’s smaller than a symphony. thus something from a quartet to forty odd players. wherever strings area unit involved it typically means that a medium sized ensemble consisting of five sections (1st violins, second violins, violas, cellos and basses).
Our need was to make the definitive chamber strings project, recorded at Air Studios, that offers you the widescreen Hollywood sound we tend to all need, with a detail and skill to articulate that’s tougher with larger sized string sample libraries.
16 star players, four first Violins, 3 2nds, 3 Violas, three Cellos & three Basses super deep sampled with over 244 articulations, together with thirty eight shorts, 53 longs, 19 FX, and forty five extraordinary legato patches programmed by Apostle Blaney. Recorded with multiple spherical robins, dynamic layers and bestowed with three essential and versatile electro-acoustic transducer positions. additionally to every individual section we tend to even have a comprehensive choice of articulations associated techniques bestowed in an ‘ensemble’ format designed for sketching and composing with ‘out of the box’ satisfaction.
Presented as a Kontakt Player library thus no additional purchases area unit necessary to run the library. We’re conjointly proud that it’s our 1st NKS-ready unharness to be used with nickel hardware. It options a replacement ‘intuitive’ user interface with associate intrinsical user manual.
Spitfire was engineered on a chamber strings project. several of our friends, together with list composers, complained that sampled strings were unwieldy, ill-defined and too epic. That for abundant of their output, sensitive and achingly stunning quiet passages through to searing lyricism did not need immense numbers however attention to detail. That symphonic ranges typically tripled and quadrupled in size once enjoying scores of notes.
So we tend to set regarding the tough task of recording a chamber strings vary that we tend to shared as a part of a personal project with our nearest and dear, and were delighted once it had been received with immense amounts of optimism and encouragement.
Many, however, noted however it still plumbed ‘kind of big’. thus we tend to came back to the chamber challenge with a question: however little will we tend to go before it not looks like a section? the solution was four,3,3,3,3. A unambiguously intimate cluster of extraordinary players in one in every of the simplest recording locations. Originally offered in volumes, this project has currently taken four years of our life. we tend to currently gift emotional person Chamber Strings in an exceedingly rationalized, and additional instantly useable kind. As mentioned before it’s the emotional person team’s absolute favorite string vary, loved for its beauty, its skillfulness however conjointly its all distinctive sonic character.
For us, if you are a musician trying to square out from the herd, our Chamber Strings area unit merit your attention.
• 244 articulations; thirty eight shorts, 53 longs, nineteen FX & forty five legatos.
• sixteen prime London string players.
• Recorded in place (ie: within the positions they’d sit as a section)
• Recorded victimisation valuable valve and ribbon mics.
• Neve island Pre-amps into a Neve 88R table.
• Recorded digitally at 96k via two “Studer tape.
• Deep sampled with multiple dynamic layers and spherical robins.
• various and elaborated with essential, further and a few all distinctive articulations
• Legatos designed by Apostle Blaney
• Individual sections and ensembles.
• three Essential , various and most favored mic positions: (C (lose), T (ree), A (mbient)
• Kontakt Player enclosed
• NKS-ready
• New intuitive user interface with inline facilitate system.
• Thousands of terribly proud and happy users round the globe!
Chamber strings walkthrough