Toontrack – Superior Drummer 3.0.1 + Basic Sound Library & SDX Factory Content (WIN/OSX)

Superior Drummer 3 is more than just a drum sampler – it’s a bottomless source of creativity. In addition to an extensive library of raw audio material, Superior Drummer 3 introduces a unique design, streamlined workflow and many features to create powerful drums on your computer. Welcome to the future.
Installation is possible on a “clean” system, or over a previously installed version.

What’s new?
Release notes for Superior Drummer 3.3.6

The Mac AAX now has native Apple silicon support.
Song Track
In the time signature editor, it is now possible to move several time signatures at a time.
The numerator in the time signature editor is now limited to 127 instead of 32.
Positional sensing has been added to the snare in the DTX-PROX preset.

Loading a SD2 user preset with X-drums did not work well in some cases – the X-drums did not always become “added instruments” in SD3 but would sometimes use empty “standard” positions, which could lead to MIDI mapping issues.
Removing an added instrument which is not the most recently added one, saving the project and loading it will no longer cause a crash.
Grid Editor
In the Channel Aftertouch editor, when a new block was inserted, the other blocks got smaller.
Mixer Tab
Fixed an issue with the EQ effect – the curve was not correct for nodes in Peak mode with slopes 12 dB/oct or 24 dB/oct, particularly with low Q values.
On Mac, ctrl-click on an empty slot effect could cause a crash.
MIDI Mapping Layout Window
The description for “Dim Extra Notes” would say it was unavailable when it was available and vice versa.
Alesis Surge and Nitro preset fixes (affecting note numbers for hats, ride and crash).

Factory library:
Part 1: “Basic Sound Library” (Basic Sound Library with all instruments, OH Dyn and Amb Ribbon room mics, plus snare, kick and tom leaks)
Part 2: “Room Mics 1” (Additional room mics: OH Cond, Amb Near, Amb Mid)
Part 3: ” Room Mics 2 – Surround (5ch) ” Height Surround (6ch)” ( Additional microphones for 11.0 surround sound: Front Height, Rear Height and Rear Height Wide) Part 5: “Extra Bleed”
For the factory library to work correctly, you need to install the update:
Toontrack – Superior Drummer 3 Library Update v1.2.0

How to install the factory library?

1. Download “Basic Sound Library”
– if you need additional microphones, then download from other parts * of the factory library only files with the *.obw extension , which are located in the Sounds folders . We move these files to SL-SuperiorDrummer3/Sounds/ ( move only *.obw files, not the Sounds folder )
* I recommend downloading the second and fifth parts (parts 3 and 4 contain files for surround sound).
2. Download the Superior Drummer 3 Library Update v1.2.0 and run Sound Updater.exe (Windows) or Sound (MacOSX)
3. After the update, launch SD3 , click Settings – Libraries / Paths – Add Library Path(s) … – and select the SL-SuperiorDrummer3 folder

How to add additional SDX libraries?

1. From the list of distributions of SDX libraries, which is presented here, download only the folder with the name SL-( library name )
2. Run SD3 , click Settings – Libraries/Paths – Add Library Path(s)… – and select the folder SL-( library name )
– It is possible to add all downloaded additional libraries with one click: Create a folder (for example) SDX Library , in we throw all the SDX libraries into it, click Settings – Libraries / Paths – Add Library Path (s) … – and select the SDX Library folder (this will add all the libraries at once), see the screenshot for an example:

How to add EZX libraries?

1. From the list of distributions of EZX libraries, which is presented here, download only the folder with the name EZX_ or EZX2_( library name )
For Windows users:
2a. Move the downloaded folder to C:\ProgramData\Toontrack\EZdrummer\ ( by default, this folder is for storing EZX libraries, as well as folders with MIDI MIDI grooves )
EZX Library Folder Names:
– If you want the folder for the EZX and MIDI libraries to be in a different place: Create a folder (for example) EZX Library , move all the EZX libraries into it, as well as the MIDI folder, rename the EZDrummer folder along the path ( С:\ProgramData\Toontrack \EZdrummer\ ). After opening SD3 , in the Grooves tab you will find the error No MIDI library found
click on Libraries Settings and in the tab Additional Libraries select the folder with libraries EZX Library , reboot Superior.
For MacOSX users:
2b. Move the downloaded folder to /Library/Application Support/EZDrummer/ ( by default, this folder is for storing EZX libraries, as well as folders with MIDI MIDI grooves )
EZX Library Folder Names:

– If you want the folder for EZX and MIDI libraries to be in a different place: Create a folder (for example) EZX Library , move all EZX libraries into it, as well as the MIDI folder, rename the EZDrummer folder along the path ( /Library/Application Support/ EZDrummer/ ). After opening SD3 , in the Grooves tab you will find the error No MIDI library found
click on Libraries Settings and in the tab Additional Libraries select the folder with libraries EZX Library , reboot Superior.

Can’t find SL-SuperiorDrummer3/Sounds/ folder

To do this, you need to install the factory library, see paragraph 1 of the FAQ

SD3 won’t start. It says ‘The Superior Drummer 3 plug-in could not be found.’

If the following message appears when loading the plugin:
Run the following commands in the terminal:

The code:
sudo codesign –force –deep –sign – /Applications/Toontrack/Superior\ Drummer\
The code:
sudo codesign –force –deep –sign – /Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/Components/Superior\ Drummer\ 3.component
The code:
sudo codesign –force –deep –sign – /Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/VST/Superior\ Drummer\ 3.vst
Error: The installed resources and the plug-in are not the same version!

If you get an inscription like this after the update:

This means that when updating over the old version, the new version of the plugin was installed in a different directory than the folder where your other plugins are located. Always pay attention to this:

Often the plugin is automatically installed in the folder: C:\Program Files\Steinberg\VSTPlugins\Toontrack
To correct the situation, it is necessary to move the plugin with the new version to the desired directory with the replacement.

Which EZX libraries are stripped down versions of SDX libraries?
Big Band EZX = Decades SDX
Classic Rock EZX = Legacy Of Rock SDX
Dark Matter EZX = Death & Darkness SDX
Death Metal EZX = Death & Darkness SDX
Drumkit From Hell EZX = The Metal Foundry SDX
Hard Rock EZX = Rock Foundry SDX
Metal Machine EZX = Metal Machinery SDX
Nasville EZX = Music City SDX
Pop/Rock EZX = New York Studios Vol.1 SDX
Progressive EZX = Progressive Foundry SDX
Rock Solid EZX = The Rock Warehouse SDX
List of distributions of SDX libraries
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George Santos
George Santos
1 year ago

Are those EZX add-ons for EZkeys? They dont get picked up by SD3 and the folder has a filed named “Ezkeys.pdf”

George Santos
George Santos
1 year ago


Specifically, the “Dream Pop EZX” looks to be a EZKeys add-on not EZdrummer/SDS.

Oscar Stern
Oscar Stern
Reply to  George Santos
1 year ago

EZX is EZ Drummer/SDS

1 year ago

1. Download “Basic Sound Library”

Link error 🙁

1 year ago

still link error in the update ,,,for the 17 time

1 year ago

Can I ask if anyone managed to use this with Apple Native Mode in Cubase. Works in Rosette but I think it may not add the VST3 DLL and only the VST2.

Thank you

1 year ago

I’m getting “the sound library Drumkit from Hell needs to be updated”
Here’s what I did:
-Install SD3
-Install Update
-Set library path in SD3 to SL-SuperiorDrummer3
-Update sound library
-Set library path in SD3 to SL-SuperiorDrummer3 (The one in the Update folder)
-install Drumkit from hell (Some EZX from the list worked but for most of them it didn’t)

Then I receive the error msg “the sound library Drumkit from Hell needs to be updated” when I try and use Drumkit from Hell or almost all the other EZX I’ve installed.

Can someone please explain to me what I am doing wrong???

Reply to  Godhelpme
1 year ago

I forgot to mention I also did the patch. Right after installing SD3.

Oscar Stern
Oscar Stern
Reply to  Godhelpme
1 year ago

It needs to be the latest version

Oscar Stern
Oscar Stern
1 year ago

I need help on installing the Orchestral Percussion Sets because there’s no install button

Oscar Stern
Oscar Stern
1 year ago

I need a guide on installing the Superior Drummer Orchestral Sound Libraries since they don’t (yet) have installation files which it would make better sense if they added them.

1 year ago

Провозился 3 часа. НЕ РАБОТАЕТ!
Скиньте пожалуйста рабочую инструкцию.

1 year ago

SDX Metal Machinery link is actual for EZX Metal machine. Can it be fixed?

1 year ago

It seems to only include installer for WIN – anyone knows how to install it on MAC? Or can share a link with MAC installer?
Never mind – I just read the FAQ 🙂

11 months ago

Is this working on M2 Pro Sonoma?

6 months ago

Indie Folk, Pop!, and Twisted Kit do not work with EZdrummer 3 as they are outdated. Can you please update?

Reply to  Kai
6 months ago

Also does not work on superior drummer is there an alternative way to get them

4 months ago

Trying to install Core Library Update 1.2.0 on OSX but no install directory option available. Please any help???

3 months ago

Can someone please seed death & darkness & the rooms of hansa?

7 days ago

How do I authorize it?