Big update! Waves Ultimate offers the most complete set of professional audio plugins. Mastering plugins, all compressors, all equalizers, all effects, instruments, saturation plugins, AI noise reduction plugins, as well as analog models from Abbey Road to SSL.
Overview of Waves Ultimate 15
Waves Ultimate 15 is a comprehensive suite of professional audio processing plug-ins, specifically designed for a wide range of audio editing needs. Awarded a Technical GRAMMY Award, this package is recognized for its significant contribution to the development of music production. The software is compatible with both Intel and Apple Silicon Universal platforms, offering a seamless experience for users on macOS. It includes an extensive collection of tools, making it an essential asset for audio professionals.
Waves Audio is a name that has become synonymous with innovation and excellence in the audio world. Founded on a passion for excellence, the company has been setting the standard in professional audio software for over three decades.
Waves plugins are used in a wide range of industries, from music production to film, television and radio broadcasting. They combine cutting-edge technology, intuitive interface and unrivaled sound quality. From legendary equalizers and compressors to modern spatial processing tools, Waves offers solutions for every taste and task.
Waves Ultimate offers the most complete set of professional audio plugins. Mastering plugins, all compressors, all equalizers, all effects, instruments, saturation plugins, AI-powered noise reduction plugins, as well as analog models from Abbey Road to SSL.
Features of Waves Ultimate 15
- Includes a full set of professional audio processing plug-ins.
- Recognized with a Technical GRAMMY Award for its innovative contributions to music technology.
- Supports both Intel-based Macs and Apple Silicon, ensuring broad usability across macOS platforms.
- Designed with an English interface that is intuitive and easy to navigate.
- The software is fully cured, meaning it does not require entering any activation data.
What’s new
Every music producer knows how hard it is: hours of manual vocal editing to sync backing vocals and doubles with the lead vocal. It’s tedious and time-consuming, and one misaligned vocal track can be the difference between an amateur production and a chart-ready one.
Likewise, post-production engineers and dialogue editors spend countless hours aligning re-recorded dialogue to match the actor’s original performance, knowing that even one timing error will require an ADR rewrite.
But it shouldn’t be this way.
Sync Vx clears out clutter from ALL your vocal tracks in seconds by automatically locking the timing and pitch of multiple vocal tracks for your lead performance.
Say goodbye to chaotic arrangements and hello to vocals that feel tight, polished and professional – all in a fraction of the time.
With Sync Vx, vocal alignment is easier than ever: now you can manage your entire vocal arrangement in one convenient display for maximum control, assign multiple control tracks, fine-tune pitch and timing, or get creative with transposition and formant manipulation—all without leaving the plugin.
System requirements
- Intel or Silicon Architecture
- Memory Minimum: 8 GB RAM (16 GB recommended)
- 16 GB free disk space on the system drive
- macOS Monterey 12, Ventura 13, Sonoma 14, Sequoia 15
The distribution contains two types of patches, the old License Engine (only for Intel) and the new Guseppe 15.2 . All installation information is inside the distribution.
There are no differences in installation with previous distributions!

- Download Waves Ultimate v15 01/20/25 v15 01/20/25 [Intel/Apple] [Patch]
- Original Publisher: Waves
- Version: v15 01.20.25
- Category: VST Plugin (Mac OS)
- Requires: macOS 12.0+
- License type: Full
- Download Size: 8.62 GB
Don’t bother: MacOs Ventura. M1 iMac (both listed as compatible on the Waves site)
Instructions are rubbish: “5: Browse the Data folder 6: Select “Waves Ultimate” (your choice).
Data folder contents have nothing to do with selecting which plugs to install. (all greyed out with a line through them).
If you open “install.cen” from the Extras folder, pick: ” Offline installer”, select one of the plugs and
install you will get “blah blah contact tech support”.
If installed from the Terminal nothing changes.
If you unzip the Data folder in the Extra folder and drag that Directory and the rest of the files to your Applications Folder/Waves and run the install.cen from there you can pick one of the plugs and it will install. Wow.
After running the WavesLicenseEngine patch, replacing files and rebooting you would expect to be done,.. sigh,
If you open Logic your Waves plug will run in Demo mode. If you click “Activate” nothing will happen because you are offline. There is no challenge and response. If you click: “Copy” from the activation window, open the companion TnT file and run the dumfuk windows crack under Crossover and paste the name of your plug into it will generate a file with a *.wle extension. If you copy this per instruction to “Licenses” you would expect to be done- but nope. Still in Demo.
If you run Waves Central for the 30th time, go to Licenses and click Not Activated or whatever it’s called it will return the name of you hard drive.
At that point the Offline Installer is no longer accessible- nor is the license option. Now Waves Central is also missing from your Applications folder. Then you can start resetting permissions and reinstalling and going in circles in an endless loop. Back to the drawing board. There’s really no point in cracking something if you can’t write simple instructions, right?
The instructions should have been like this:
0. Turn internet off, make your computer offline.
1. Open Run Gatekeeper
1a.Install Waves Central.app
1b. Run Waves Central with Root if your installation is stuck by pasting the following code in terminal (Waves Central will open as root after typing your password)
Terminal Code:
sudo /Applications/Waves\ Central.app/Contents/MacOS/Waves\ Central
2. Unzip Data from Extra folder
3.Uninstall previous versions and run Fix Permissions from Waves Central Settings (Backup Presets and other data if needed). DO NOT Login to Waves (If you want Studio Verse).
4. Select Offline Installer and Click Install from an Offline Installer
5. Browse the Data folder in Extra
6. Select your hard drive (Macintosh HD) and install all plugins.
7. Browse to Desktop/Data folder and install Waves License Engine (looks like a yellow box)
8. Reboot
9. Run AU reg Utility 15 from Applications/Waves
10. Move StudioVerse Audio Effects and StudioVerse instruments out of Applications/Waves/Plugins v15 folder. DO NOT use them at all.
Sample Libraries for Waves Instruments
Apologies: I’m guessing this is a second language issue. Maybe a MacOs as a second language issue too.
Step 5:
You are using the word “Data” but you really mean, “Extra”.
The install app is in the “Extra” folder- NOT the Data folder. It is called: “install.cen”. This opens and I’m guessing I’m to pick “offline installer” so I do. This opens a new finder window and I go back to the Extra folder and pick “install.cen” once again. Now we are looking at something hopeful. A few more stumbles and my system drive is named and hundreds of plugs I don’t need are presented. I scroll to the very bottom of the screen and pick. “Waves Ultimate”. A few cups of tea later. I get “successfully installed”.
Also: AU reg utility is NOT in Application/Waves. It is in Application/Waves/WaveShells V15- details matter.
I follow the rest of the outline.
I remove the files as per your second set of instructions.
From this point forward thing go no differently.
Logic show a whole screen of plugs under Waves. All the plugs are in Demo Mode. Clicking “Activate Licenses” now brings up the Waves Central to “Licenses” with a bland screen showing Not Activated. Clicking around does nothing. Thanks anyway.
I really just wanted the C1 and the IRreverb not a zillion things I’ll never use. I miss Radium,..
Not working in mac M2 pro…
Yes, I should have been more accurate. My apologies for that. Here’s the last bit of the missing information from me: I get these to work ONLY when I run Logic 10 using Rosetta. This does NOT work using Logic version 11 running natively for M1. Unfortunately so.
For the record, I don’t scroll down and select only “Waves Ultimate”, but instead I click “Macintosh HD” at the top even though the instructions tell me not to do so. That works for me with Logic 10 running Rosetta.
Update: Cheers for helping out!
Working under MacOs Ventura 13.5 / MacBook Air M2 / Logic 11.1, Logic 10.9, Logic 10.8
As stated: Logic must be started under Rosetta. (From Applications, highlight Logic: Command letter i and tick Rosetta). Plugs load and run as expected with no nonsense. I just picked a few, I didn’t load all 725.
Working under MacOs Monterey 12.6 / MacBook Air 13″ 2017 (Intel) Logic 10.7.9
Not working under Sonoma. Install not working properly and all plugs load in Demo if you get that far.
Ableton 11 loads plugs as Demo. If started under Rosetta, Ableton asks you to register your product.
Haven’t tried Ableton 12 yet.
working on pro tools 12?
thx for the answer
They suck. Rosetta is like intel so when they say this is for intel/silicon, it means it can run natively on M1 and this doesnt
I’m not able to run Gatekeeper friendly on my Mac with Ventura. It doesn’t allow it and i don’t know how to bypass the alert. Someone can help ? thanks !
Press and hold down Control key, click on Gatekeeper friendly and click “Open” (the first one on top of the menu). After that release Control key.
Does it work for sonoma 14.5?
Everything works perfectly on Sonoma and i’m using Ableton 12 and Pro Tools with Rosetta running Good day everyone.
Everything works im using pro tools and ableton 12 running on Rosetta
Do you think we will be getting the windows version? I understand if that is too risky to post maybe. I know that “red” site that used to be used for those postings, but that seems to have pivoted to something else now.
The packages that are most likely to receive takedown requests/pressure were at one time being posted there, but maybe it is just not viable to have some of this stuff available as torrent files. I’ll take what we have if it means that sometimes some of the stuff can’t be available. Thanks for all you do.
THank you so much for these comments, these are so helpful. This was working fine in fl studio, but in logic, it was always running in demo mode. And I just have to run the logic through Rosetta to get them work. Thank you so muchhhhhhh. love yall
This version still does not work with M2? I’m on Ventura and can’t complete the installation. It says that this version is not compatible.
patch not work
waves gemstone gems working?
Thanks….Please upload Ace Studio Ai voice Generator