Arturia – B-3 V2 v2.4.1.1618 - B-3 V2 v2.4.1.1618

Organ B-3 V is an emulation of the legendary Hammond electromechanical organ, created in 1935. As is known in all Hamond organs to create the effect of vibrato used on the built-in speakers rotating horns. According to Arturia, they tried to accurately simulate this effect, which made it possible to recreate the unique authentic sound of the B-3 organ.
In addition, the software version of the tool tried to preserve the specific formation of the timbre of the Hamond organs. Instead of saturating the spectrum of the second and third harmonics, the sound of the main tone was mixed with the smoothly fading sound of other tone wheels. Also in the virtual B-3 V recreated the characteristic distinct attack, peculiar exclusively to electromechanical organs.

As for the effect of emulation of Don Lassie systems, in the B-3 there is a separate inclusion of the rotation of the mouthpieces, adjustment of rotation speed, change of acoustic design, microphone position. In addition, there is a convolutional reverberator with 20 presets, based on the work of a spring rever with vintage amplifiers of that time.
Of the modern capabilities, the software version of the organ received three additional modes that allow you to automate changes in the positions of drawbar handles. There is automation by envelope, LFO and step-by-step sequencer. In addition, some specific settings have been added to regulate attack and atteuation, spectrum saturation, attack click and leakage currents.

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