Do you want to know what type of studio monitors are best for your studio? To help you make the right choice, watch this course from audio expert Joe Albano!
One of the most important decisions when setting up a home or professional studio is the choice of studio monitors. With so many types of monitors, different sizes and designs, it can be difficult to make an informed choice. To help you with this task, audio expert Joe Albano created this course. In this 19-video course, you will learn about the various aspects of speaker design and the important concepts you need to know in order to select the right pair for your room.
Description : Do you want to know what type of studio monitors are the best design for your studio? Watch this course by audio expert Joe
Albano to help you make the right choice!
One of the most important decision in setting a home or professional studio is the selection of studio monitors. With so many types of monitors available in various sizes and designs, it can be difficult to make an informed choice. To assist you with this task, audio expert Joe Albano created this course. In these 19 tutorials, you will learn about the various aspects of speaker design and important concepts you need to know for picking the optimal pair for your room.
1. Introduction (2:33)
2. Background (4:45)
Section 2: Studio Monitor Basics
3. Speaker Physics (3:14)
4. Speaker Components (6:06)
5. Tweeters (4:12)
Section 3: Cabinet Designs
6. Speaker Cabinet Design Overview (3:27)
7. Sealed Enclosures (3:14)
8. Vented Enclosures (4:44)
9. Passive Radiators (1:39)
10. Transmission Lines (2: 09)
Section 4: Monitor Designs
11. Coaxial Monitors (2:47)
12. Multi-Speaker Designs (3:17)
13. Powered Monitors (3:57)
Section 5: Monitor Systems / Setup
14. Subwoofers (4:49)
15. Surround Systems (2:52)
16. Monitor Placement; Room Issues (6:09)
17. Room Correction; DSP Monitors (4:39)
Section 7: Wrap-up
18. Buyer’s Guide (4:34)
19. Wrap-up (1:27)