Experience the unrivaled possibilities of virtual analog synthesis with Discovery Pro, a synthesizer and sampler that provide unparalleled sound quality and versatility. With 4 layers and 12 oscillators, WAV and SoundFont support, PADSynth re-synthesis and 2x oversampling/undersampling, Discovery Pro offers endless possibilities for creating and shaping your sounds.
The built-in arpeggiator and 12 filter types, including ZDF NL2 and 2 Moog filters, give you even more control over your sound. And with features such as pan modulation, stereo challenge, and shutter effects, you can add depth and movement to your creations. Compatible with 64-bit AAX, audio devices, VST and VST3, Discovery Pro is ideal for use in any music production environment. Try it today and see what your music can be like with Discovery Pro.