If you’re looking for a virtual bass instrument that can handle all the classic sounds but with the ability to delve into modern sound design as well, UVI’s Soul Bass – with its ability to blend an exquisitely sampled Jazz Bass with a synth bass engine – hits the spot. And in this UVI Soul Bass video tutorial course, VI expert Eli Krantzberg will show you all the features and functions of this unique plugin. From classic, authentic bass tones (like those heard on countless 60s and 70s soul tracks) to experimental, twisted sounds and everything in between, you’ll learn how to do it all. These videos are designed for new Soul Bass users.
After welcoming you to the course, Eli briefly discusses the concept of this instrument and what it’s capable of. You’ll learn the basic layout of the interface so you’ll know how to get around to where you need to quickly. Then he starts to get into specifics, beginning with Performance and Play modes and the numerous handy key switches that allow you to change between different playing styles on the fly. Then, discover how the various amplitude parameters let you shape each note’s volume contour in various ways.
Next, explore the filter parameters and hear how they affect the sound and timbre while providing additional sound-design possibilities as well. Eli then covers the Layer FX, which are a set of independently adjustable stomp box-type effects for each layer (electric bass and synth bass).
Several more topics are covered throughout the rest of the course, including the Master FX (two delays, reverb, EQ, and compressor), sequencer (both pre-made sequences and custom-made), and housekeeping (loading/saving custom presets and global preferences).
UVI’s Soul Bass could very well become your favorite virtual bassist, and this Soul Bass video course will teach you how to create the bass lines and tones you want fast so you can incorporate it in your very next production. See the individual Soul Bass video tutorial descriptions for more information and other ideas for your own tracks. Learn how to bring the classic and modern together in style… watch “UVI Soul Bass Explained®” now!
– Interface layout and structure of instrument
– How to operate the key switches for smooth, uninterrupted, authentic performance
– Sound and timbre design using the amplitude envelopes, filter, and effects
– Using the pre-made sequence library or creating your own sequences from scratch
– and more!
01. Bass Anastomosis (4:53)
Get an overview of this unique bass instrument and see how it combines an electric bass layer with a synth bass layer to create unique bass textures.
02. Performance & Play Mode Key Switches (8:10)
Learn how to use key switches to change back and forth between the various performance and playing styles throughout the duration of your bass part.
03. Amplitude Controls (8:03)
Explore the amp envelope and other amplitude-based controls and learn how they affect the contour of each note?s volume over their durations, velocity ranges, and pitch ranges.
04. Filter Parameters (5:28)
Discover the range of tonal-shaping possible with the on-board variable shape filter coupled with the filter envelope, velocity, and key range tracking controls.
05. Layer FX (4:53)
Explore the intuitive and musical layer-based stomp box-style effects, adjustable separately on both the electric and synth bass layers.
06. Master FX (5:07)
Hear the two delay and reverb send effects, combined with layer FX and the master EQ and compressor sections, in action on a synth bass part.
07. Sequencer (9:39)
Discover the different ways of triggering, using, and editing the library of curated MIDI bass grooves in Soul Bass as it is put to work creating a customized bass part to fit an original chord progression.
08. Housekeeping (5:18)
See how to save and load customized presets and how to control various aspects of the instrument?s playback in the Preferences window.