Image Line releases an updated version of its iconic software workstation, which has acquired a set of functions and capabilities. FL Studio is one of the best programs for creating music. With its help, you can create your own tracks of any style. The program has all the necessary functions for working with sound: recording, mixing, mastering, and also has a large number of synthesizers and effects.
What’s new in FL Studio 24
Image-Line FL Studio 2024 focuses on expanding the capabilities of the DAW. The program has been updated with a chord generator, a Kepler EXO synthesizer, and full support for the new CLAP plugin format. The latter was created by the authors of Bitwig Studio and is already supported by plugin developers.
The Kelper EXO software synthesizer promises a lo-fi sound engine based on the classic Roland Juno and Roland Jupiter instruments. The instrument is suitable for pop music, synthwave and electronic genres. In turn, the new Chord Progression Tool generates chords from scratch or expands custom sequences, which, according to the developers, will be useful for musicians working in any direction.
In addition, the update brings an expansion of the library of loops, one-shots, and samples available to subscribers of FL Cloud, which launched in late 2023. In addition to new presets from the program’s creators, the library has been expanded with curated content from artists, producers, and musicians working in FL Studio.
If you are a license user, then refrain from installing, because if IL burns you, you will lose your license without the possibility of recovery
Antivirus programs may mistakenly identify patches, keygens, or a treated file(s) as a virus. Either add them to your antivirus’s exceptions or look for another source of hacking. (If your antivirus has deleted the files, look for them in its quarantine) If you have the standardMicrosoft Defender
There is no need to write in the comments about a possible “virus” that was discovered, write directly to the moderator ( it’s here ), he will explain everything.
Actual Installation Steps
- Delete the previous version (this is a recommendation, but it’s up to you)
- Install FL Studio
- Place the contents of the folder with replacement in“C:\Program Files\Image-Line\FL Studio 2024”. Note!! If you specified the path yourself during FL installation (to another disk), then you need to replace the files in the same folder (to another disk), and not in the one specified above.!!
- Run the file FL Studio_24.2_reg_key.reg _ and agree to make changes
- Run FL Studio > “Unlock FL Studio” > “Unlock with file” button “More…”, click “Save validation file…” and save the licensevalidation.txt file to any convenient location. Close FL Studio.
- Run ID Patcher.exe (which was copied to the program folder), in the ID field copy the ID that is written in licensevalidation.txt _ and click “Patch”. If the patcher writes “Can’t access to file. Patching FAILED!!!”, then run it with administrator rights. After using the patcher, you can delete it.
- Place the engine_x64.dll file with replacement in “C:\Program Files\Image-Line\FL Studio 2024\Plugins\Fruity\Generators\FLEX“
- ✅ _ Possibility to download online Edison Declipper, FL Cloud mastering, Stem extractor – YES.
- If you can’t download them, you can take them from this distribution
- Possibility to download online basic set of libraries for FLEX –NO. If you need libraries, take them from this distribution
- If desired: To change the name in the Hint panel and About to your own.
- Key in the registry “HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Image-Line\Registrations“
- parameter FL Studio license plate. Its default value is Lazy Witches. Change to your own. Cyrillic is supported.
- In the FL Studio settings – General tab _ at the very bottom, item show license information in the hint panel _ select License plate _ (although these parameters are initially set by default). Restart FL Studio.
System requirements
- Windows 10, 11 or later (64 Bit)
- Intel and AMD CPUs. ARM not supported
- The more powerful your CPU, the more instruments and effects you can run
- 4GB of RAM
- 4GB free disk space

- Download Image-Line – FL Studio Producer Edition 24.2.2 Build 4597 All Plugins Edition (x64) [02/05/2024, Multi, NO RUS] (WD)
- Original Publisher: Image-Line
- Version: 24.2.2 Build 4597
- Category: DAW
- License type: Full
- Download Size: 1.07 GB
Thank you
open more plugins in effects section and from plugins list select LuxeVerb
Anybody know how to get Scripts downloads from Image Line without an account? (Specifically “Text To Chords” Piano Roll script).
Just copy and paste your scripts here:-
C:\Users\Documents\Image-Line\FL Studio\Settings\Piano roll scripts
mac version?
add Mac version pls
Please add the Mac Version and in the windows some of the flex libraries are not working. Please Fix them.
Reason 13 please
Reason studio 13
Please 🙏
Ayyyyy!!! Thanks a lot BRO!!! 😍😍🥰🥰🥰
Reason studio 13
Please 🙏
So the downloads folder wasn’t there I’m assuming you just manually enter it… And when I went to edit the reg file and use my name all that’s showing within fl studio now is [ ] as the name… Is there a fix for this?
Hey bro, why care so much about your name on the corner of FL Studio? I also tried but didn’t work, later I realized what for. Don’t try to own it, if you want you can buy and own it. I am so grateful to our admin of this website at least provide good version to use it. Bro, Just try to make music and Enjoy life, don’t fall on the trap of adjusting this or that, that will not make you to become a good producer. Start from what we have.
Don’t take it serious. 😊
In the FL Studio settings – General tab _ at the very bottom, show license information in the hint panel _ select License plate _ (although these parameters are initially set by default). Restart FL Studio.
Can you provide FLEX Extension pack for this???
It keeps telling me that the program can’t be verified and asks me do reinstall it…. what can I do??
steam separation not working
Strange. I tested it and it works. Did you put everything in the right folder?
Where do you put the addons folder tho
I figured it out, the contents of the “addons” folder you put them in this directory C:\Users\Documents\Image-Line\Downloads\Optional Features\
itll just work when you start it up again
Thank you Very much, This a Great Upload.
bro tell me how to install it please explain me
0 . Delete previous version
1. Install FL Studio
2 .Place the contents of the folder with replacement in
C:\Program Files\Image-Line\FL Studio 2024
If you specified the path yourself during FL installation (to another disk), then you need to replace the files in the same folder, and not in the one specified above.
3. Run the file FL Studio_24.2_reg_key.reg _ and agree to make changes
4. Run FL Studio > “Unlock FL Studio” > “Unlock with file” button “More…”, click “Save validation file…” and save the file licensevalidation.txt _ to any convenient location.
Close FL Studio.
5. Run ID Patcher.exe (which was copied to the program folder), in the ID field copy the ID that is written in licensevalidation.txt _ and click “Patch”. If the patcher writes “Can’t access to file. Patching FAILED!!!”, then run it with administrator rights.
4 . Place the engine_x64.dll file with replacement in
C:\Program Files\Image-Line\FL Studio 2024\Plugins\Fruity\Generators\FLEX
✅ _ Possibility to download online Edison Declipper, FL Cloud mastering, Stem extractor – YES .
• _Possibility to download online basic set of libraries for FLEX -NO. Added to distribution
If desired: __To change the name in the hint panel to your own.
Key in the registry
parameter FL Studio license plate . Its default value is Lazy Witches . Change to your own. Cyrillic is supported.
In the FL Studio settings – General tab _ at the very bottom, show license information in the hint panel _ select License plate _ (although these parameters are initially set by default). Restart FL Studio.
Place the contents of the FLEX Pack folder with replacement in
If you don’t use FLEX, you don’t need to download them at all.
I installed it on 2 different PCs, for the second time it was absolutely spot on following these instructions, many thx
Tried it one by myself, couldnt get it right. Followed this carefully step by step and it worked!!!!
is it a bad virus?
how does ID patcher works? what am I supposed to write for making it start?
Please tell me how to install the full setup. So that the trial version is not visible
Install FL-studio. You can also uninstall the previous version. Then replace the files in the crack folder. Place id patcher also in the FL studio installation in program files. Open FL studio. Click on save validation file. Save that file to your desktop. Close FL- Studio. Open ID- patcher with administrator rights. Go to your desktop and open that validation file and copy it into ID-patcher. Press patch. Place the engine_x64.dll file with replacement in
C:\Program Files\Image-Line\FL Studio 2024\Plugins\Fruity\Generators\FLEX
(save validation) The option has not come yet. How to do it? Please upload a proper video of full installation.
The interface looks something like this
,copy and paste the digits from the validation file into the Patcher.
I dont have ID patcher in my folder for some reason. Where is it located??
Antivirus software usually deletes/quarantines KeyGens as soon as they’ve downloaded, this is true for most KeyGens, you can try find it in your antivirus quarantine and add an exception and restore it or you can disable your antivirus and download the torrent again with only the ID patcher selected so you can download the ID patcher on its own, remember to reenable your antivirus when you’ve finished using the KeyGen
how patcher id works
FL Studio Working perfectly with all Flex packs
I tested all Plugins also
how did you do the flex thing?
opened id patcher as an administrator, it still says Can´t access to file. Patching FAILED!!!
please help me.
3. Run the file FL Studio_24.2_reg_key.reg _ and agree to make changes
4. Run FL Studio > “Unlock FL Studio” > “Unlock with file” button “More…”, click “Save validation file…” and save the file licensevalidation.txt _ to any convenient location.
Close FL Studio.
5. Run ID Patcher.exe (which was copied to the program folder), in the ID field copy the ID that is written in licensevalidation.txt _ and click “Patch”. If the patcher writes “Can’t access to file. Patching FAILED!!!”, then run it with administrator rights.
4 . Place the engine_x64.dll file with replacement in
C:\Program Files\Image-Line\FL Studio 2024\Plugins\Fruity\Generators\FLEX
I’m having the same issue, I try to run ID Patcher.exe (as an administrator) and it says the file has a virus or an undesirable software
Close FL Studio immediately after Save validation file…” and save the file licensevalidation.txt _ to any convenient location.
put it in your exclusions first…
I’m having the same issue
Place the validation file on your desktop. Open the validation text file and copy the numbers. Now open your ID-patcher as administrator and paste the numbers on it. Press patch. Make sure that anti-virus is disabled before you start patching. The patch must be in the installation folder of FL-Studio. If all this does not work, check if your anti-virus is in the way and add an exception to the patch. It is also possible that you do not have sufficient administrative rights.
patch not working, fix it please.
it works, you just missed something in the process
everything works as it should, even the stem separator
il ya pas un tuto sil vous plait
Installez FL-studio. Vous pouvez également désinstaller la version précédente. Remplacez ensuite les fichiers dans le dossier crack. Placez également id patcher dans l’installation de FL studio dans les fichiers du programme. Ouvrez FL studio. Cliquez sur enregistrer le fichier de validation. Enregistrez ce fichier sur votre bureau. Fermez FL-Studio. Ouvrez ID-patcher avec les droits d’administrateur. Accédez à votre bureau et ouvrez ce fichier de validation et copiez-le dans ID-patcher. Appuyez sur patch. Placez le fichier engine_x64.dll avec le remplacement dans
It Still says demo after replacing files and all that. What am I doing wrong?
did u paste the ID patcher in the fl studio folder ?
how do you unlock the license
no habe a manuals pliz check this,.
fl studio is not unlock
again, an other good DAW and WORKING 100% !
install information in the comments BY NanuDhaliwal 😉
fl studio in not unlock
Bruh When I click download nothing happens
Salut moi parcontre j ai pu installé mais j arrive plus à ouvrir certains vst
FL Cloud mastering stopped working after a week.
Same where is the patcher??
in the “” folder , it’s a blue fruit icon, after u paste in FL Studio folder (C/ProgramFilesImageLine) . Make this exe an exception otherwise Windows make it not working
Help. Regkey doesn’t work?
how do i use the patcher, where do i get the ID form?
First replace everything after you install FL-studio. Also the Flex engine Dll and associated packs if you need them. Also add the registry info. The ID patcher must be placed in the FL-Studio program.
Open FL-Studio, click on Unlock FL-Studio, then click on Unlock with file, then More.., then save validation file. Save the validation text to your desktop for example and close FL-Studio. Then go to your desktop where you have saved the validation text. That is in fact your ID. Copy the numbers and open that patcher with administrator privileges. Paste those numbers into the patcher and patch. If all goes well, FL-Studio is now unlocked.
ID Patcher wont even open, it keeps telling me it “Can’t run on this PC”. Everything else so far has worked fine
Run as administrator
Sir please provide me FL Studio 24.2.2 for Mac OS
I did everything as mentioned but i still get the message that says welcome to fl trial mode…
Follow the instructions step by step. Read carefully. I also installed it wrong and the 05th time I installed it correctly.
what does “with replacement” mean?
id patcher exe wont open? go disable virus protection and redownload it solely.
then, run it as admin from the program folder not anywhere else, thats the trick idk why too.
it’s always in the trial version
10/10 worked perfectly
too anyone who is not able to find the id patcher…go to you windows security > quaratined files ..youll find it and now restore..also to any one you keeps getting the error for patcher…just close evrything and restart you computer..this should work..
Download Button Is Not Workin Please Solve This Asap
u just need to donwload qBittorrent
where is the ID Patcher ????????
Guys can you please post step by step photos of the installation process?
Even though I followed all the instructions, I’m still stuck in the trial version.
what does it mean by “with replacement”?
I downloaded the Flex libraries how do i add them to my fl studio
Copy and paste the Flex folder in : C:\Users\YourName\Documents\Image-Line\FLEX
Replace engine_x64.dll in : C:\Program Files\Image-Line\FL Studio 2024\Plugins\Fruity\Generators\FLEX
with the cracked one.