A set of plugins from MAAT Digital for sound mastering and processing
MAAT 2BC multiCORR v2.2.4
MAAT DRMeter MkII v2.2.2
MAAT DROffline MkII v2.2.3
MAAT LINpro v4.1.1
MAAT RSPhaseShifter v2.2.4
MAAT SantaCruzEQ v2.2.0
MAAT thEQblue v3.1.0
MAAT2 thE.0 v1.2.0
Plugin Description
Optimizing workflows for spoken word, audio for picture, podcast and broadcast, MtG automatically fills in gaps of any length in edited tracks. This plugin provides smooth audio looping with controls for rendering and looping fills, as well as gain controls to easily integrate looped audio into your footage.
Use MtG to speed up your musical ambiance, foley, and of course radio and television audio; wherever continuous repetitive audio is required. A cross-platform plug-in, MtG works in your favorite DAW at any sample rate you need. For radio, TV and podcasting use 44.1 or 48k. For gaming audio, cinematic production, or where clarity and resolution are paramount, MtG handles up to 384 kHz with ease.
Not all DAWs behave the same, and MtG knows it. It includes precautions to let you know if your DAW isn’t ready to work well with MtG, reducing errors and frustration. MtG also includes zoom controls to quickly identify any inaudible and objectionable material that you might want to remove from your loupe.
MAAT – RSPhaseShifter
Analog Soul, Digital Heart. The only official digital implementation of the pure analog hardware for the W2324 phaser from Roger Schult / German Audio Lab.
The plugin provides a quick, convenient and musical means of aligning the individual elements of a mix for the best possible result. RSPhaseShifter is great for any situation where you need to control key, energy spectrum and harmonic content through phase shift keying. Post-production, mastering, external equipment compensation, film re-recording, live performance, sound amplification, as well as content creation for games and virtual reality – all this makes it possible to have RSPhaseShifter at your fingertips.
RSPhaseShifter was co-created with Roger Schult / German Audio Lab and is a painstaking 64-bit digital implementation of Schult’s robust Schult Phase Shifter W2324 analog hardware. When multiple sources complement each other, RSPhaseShifter should be your choice for a fast, intuitive, easy to use and effective tool.
MAAT – SantaCruzEQ
Parametric Equalizer
Equalizer is perhaps the oldest and most popular of all sound processing tools. From the earliest days, the main function has been to correct or enhance by increasing or decreasing certain frequencies.
Over the course of a century, engineers have developed countless equalizers. Few have become legends, our thOQorange is one. The most popular version for recording and recording is the Parametric Equalizer, or PEQ, pioneered by Massenburg in 1972. It offers maximum flexibility with just three controls. Used correctly, PEQ is a powerful tool and every audio engineer’s best friend in their quest for the perfect sound. However, as Spidey (and Voltaire) always remind us, “With great power comes great responsibility.” Crafted by a goofy or limited-cost software engineer, it could be your greatest sonic enemy.
Why develop yet another Parametric Equalizer (PEQ) when there are hundreds on the market? The answer is simple … Because there is room for improvement! It was the original LinearPhase PEQ Red and Orange customers who asked Algorithmix to develop a classic EQ for recording and mixing tasks with unmatched clarity and transparency. Over the years, our Doc Christophe has carefully analyzed many of the best and amassed a vast knowledge base of analog EQ best practices. Based on this, he implemented not one or two, but a whole collection of equalizers. Result? A quintessential analogue predecessor based on new ideas. We know you will find your favorite sound.
We wanted to take analog to another level, so we’ve developed many respected hardware EQs, creating idealized digital versions based on this inspiration. Unlike models or simulations that carry analog baggage, the SantaCruzEQ has no noise, distortion, or other secondary effects inherited from analog.
SantaCruzEQ12 is the most complete collection of classic EQ architectures ever packaged in one package. You will get precise, idealized examples of the legendary analog EQ circuit, complemented by progressive new models. Whether vintage, modern, or experimental, SantaCruzEQ is an audio sandbox that every mixing and mastering engineer can tinker with.
MAAT – thEQblue
ThEQblue builds on the revolutionary foundation of Algorithmix’s classic PEQ Blue, maintaining a benchmark for the 21st century. thEQblue is a set of twelve Minimum Phase EQ architectures, each using 80-bit internal floating point precision. We’ve developed many respected hardware EQs, creating idealized digital versions based on this inspiration. Instead of models or simulations that carry analog baggage, thEQblue has no noise, distortion, or other secondary effects inherited from analog.
MAAT – thEQorange
When cleanliness is paramount.
Linear phase equalizer with unprecedented clarity. For ear mastering and other discerning engineers.
Many master engineers, including MAAT founder Friedemann Tischmeyer, were fans of the legendary original Algorithmix Linear Phase PEQ Orange. Unfortunately, Algorithmix EQs were only available as 32-bit VSTs for PCs and our workstations, and our industry has evolved since then. Tischmeyer’s students repeatedly asked for alternatives, which forced him to scan the market for other high-end EQs. Colleague Bob Katz recommended EQuilibrium, an insanely versatile tool that Tischmeyer used to teach. However, he was unable to find a satisfactory alternative to replace his original PEQ Orange.
MAAT – thEQred
Building on Algorithmix’s highly publicized Linear Phase PEQ Red, thEQred transforms this reference quality into a modern cross-platform product. ThEQred is a parametric audio equalizer for exceptional smoothness through frequency equalization. As with other members of the MAAT thEQ family, its sophisticated 80-bit floating point internal architecture, sophisticated signal windowing and applied computational precision all contribute to uncompromising quality and high precision.
Several features of thEQred support MAAT’s philosophy of maximum workflow efficiency, such as the exclusive Contribution Control. New to the product family is the VariSlope technology patented by thEQred. With VariSlope, shelving and cutoff filters offer continuous slope control from zero to 24 dB / octave. Unlike other equalizers that allow you to define or draw a “curve”, VariSlope offers unique versatility while maintaining the sound quality that MAAT equalizers are known for. The combination of Linear Phase and VariSlope provides very smooth, controlled spectral changes without any phase shift or group delay.
MAAT – 2BC multiCORR
Why do you need a multiband correlation meter? It’s just that an ordinary stereo correlation meter does not identify specific problem areas. If your fat bass and bass are mono, they are mostly correlated, so the stereo correlation meter will show that everything is in order. while the strings, hi-hat or vocals go out! The 2BC multiCORR combines the useful and favorite features of our free 2BusControl Monitor Controller Plug-in with a carefully designed 3-octave multiband correlation meter. Our multiband approach warns you not to overdo stereo propagation with your fancy propagation tool, or when your stereo microphones are throwing too much content out of phase. Either way, you will get canceled when your mix is converted to mono.
Correlation measures the degree of affinity between the left and right channels. If they are similar, it is mono and they will have perfect correlation. Stereo noise is decorrelated, there is no similarity between channels. Stereo music should be more like the previous one, with some degree of “stereonicity” to create a soundstage, while convincing diffuse reverb should have a lower inter-channel correlation. When content is present in one channel and the phase inverted version is in another channel, this sums to zero in mono and the sound fades out.
MAAT – DROffline MkII
The DROffline MkII Batch Measurement App from MAAT is the only software that automatically measures all of the required R 128 parameters, as well as the official DRi and many key metrics that your DAW may not be able to display. All this is in the background and does not bother you. Offering the core capabilities for music-based file-based metering, the DROffline MkII offers 24 different measurements, including integrated DRi and PSR dynamic range, a new ratio of peak to short-term sample loudness. You can evaluate a single file or an entire directory in batch, all in the background while you continue to work.
DROffline MkII generates both plain text and tab-delimited text logs, with additional engineer and studio metadata, so you can send beautiful reports to your clients that they can use for replication, distribution, and as documentation for publication, provenance, or chain of evidence …
To the attention of Pro Tool & Logic users! DROffline MkII offers easy access to all sound statistics and metadata through an instant drag and drop interface. Speaking of drag and drop, DRO2 works in conjunction with the DRMeter MkII to take measurements when you drag and drop an audio file into a DRM2 instance in your DAW.
With the same user interface, MAAT’s two-channel and multi-channel LIN family is your final link between production and release. Offering additional word length shortening and seven noise shaping spectra tailored for both analog and digital resource delivery, LIN is easily customizable to help create your own signature sound. In addition to TPD and Weighted TPD, LINpro and LINSurround offer four newly developed 5th, 8th and 9th order psychoacoustic noise shaping options. As with all dithering mechanisms, LIN must be the most recent plug-in instance, just before it is converted to the final fixed-point format.
LINpro and LINSurround include the latest advances in auditory and psychoacoustic research. Old, outdated dithering engines rely on decades of approach to the problem. We at MAAT evaluated our original LINearise engine and realized that we could “make it” even better by implementing a more accurate, mathematically superior approach plus new thinking both in terms of user experience (UX) and how you want your master sounded. Whether you’re supplying a 16-bit dubbed Red Book master, a 24-bit 88.2k “high definition” file for today’s higher fidelity streaming services, or multi-channel 48k streams for surround sound for video and movies, the LIN family gets you there. there from the tracks with the best sound.
MAAT DRMeter offers the necessary options for real-time sound level measurement. These include graphical and numerical estimation of DR dynamic range, as well as SPPM peak, rms amplitude, digital boost measurements. The release of MAAT DRMeter marks MAAT’s first step in furthering the legacy of the legendary TT PMF dynamic range meter, by far the most popular metering plug-in of the past decade, and has spawned many imprecise imitators. DRMeter’s carefully tuned ballistics helped fuel the widespread acceptance of the original TT, inspiring music producers and performers around the world to produce more dynamic music releases. We tested the new DRMeter over and over again against the original TT DR Meter to ensure a consistent user experience.
Optimizing workflows for spoken word, audio for picture, podcast and broadcast, MtG automatically fills in gaps of any length in edited tracks. This plugin provides smooth audio looping with controls for rendering and looping fills, as well as gain controls to easily integrate looped audio into your footage.
Use MtG to speed up your musical ambiance, foley, and of course radio and television audio; wherever continuous repetitive audio is required. A cross-platform plug-in, MtG works in your favorite DAW at any sample rate you need. For radio, TV and podcasting use 44.1 or 48k. For gaming audio, cinematic production, or where clarity and resolution are paramount, MtG handles up to 384 kHz with ease.
Not all DAWs behave the same, and MtG knows it. It includes precautions to let you know if your DAW isn’t ready to work well with MtG, reducing errors and frustration. MtG also includes zoom controls to quickly identify any inaudible and objectionable material that you might want to remove from your loupe.
MAAT – RSPhaseShifter
Analog Soul, Digital Heart. The only official digital implementation of the pure analog hardware for the W2324 phaser from Roger Schult / German Audio Lab.
The plugin provides a quick, convenient and musical means of aligning the individual elements of a mix for the best possible result. RSPhaseShifter is great for any situation where you need to control key, energy spectrum and harmonic content through phase shift keying. Post-production, mastering, external equipment compensation, film re-recording, live performance, sound amplification, as well as content creation for games and virtual reality – all this makes it possible to have RSPhaseShifter at your fingertips.
RSPhaseShifter was co-created with Roger Schult / German Audio Lab and is a painstaking 64-bit digital implementation of Schult’s robust Schult Phase Shifter W2324 analog hardware. When multiple sources complement each other, RSPhaseShifter should be your choice for a fast, intuitive, easy to use and effective tool.
MAAT – SantaCruzEQ
Parametric Equalizer
Equalizer is perhaps the oldest and most popular of all sound processing tools. From the earliest days, the main function has been to correct or enhance by increasing or decreasing certain frequencies.
Over the course of a century, engineers have developed countless equalizers. Few have become legends, our thOQorange is one. The most popular version for recording and recording is the Parametric Equalizer, or PEQ, pioneered by Massenburg in 1972. It offers maximum flexibility with just three controls. Used correctly, PEQ is a powerful tool and every audio engineer’s best friend in their quest for the perfect sound. However, as Spidey (and Voltaire) always remind us, “With great power comes great responsibility.” Crafted by a goofy or limited-cost software engineer, it could be your greatest sonic enemy.
Why develop yet another Parametric Equalizer (PEQ) when there are hundreds on the market? The answer is simple … Because there is room for improvement! It was the original LinearPhase PEQ Red and Orange customers who asked Algorithmix to develop a classic EQ for recording and mixing tasks with unmatched clarity and transparency. Over the years, our Doc Christophe has carefully analyzed many of the best and amassed a vast knowledge base of analog EQ best practices. Based on this, he implemented not one or two, but a whole collection of equalizers. Result? A quintessential analogue predecessor based on new ideas. We know you will find your favorite sound.
We wanted to take analog to another level, so we’ve developed many respected hardware EQs, creating idealized digital versions based on this inspiration. Unlike models or simulations that carry analog baggage, the SantaCruzEQ has no noise, distortion, or other secondary effects inherited from analog.
SantaCruzEQ12 is the most complete collection of classic EQ architectures ever packaged in one package. You will get precise, idealized examples of the legendary analog EQ circuit, complemented by progressive new models. Whether vintage, modern, or experimental, SantaCruzEQ is an audio sandbox that every mixing and mastering engineer can tinker with.
MAAT – thEQblue
ThEQblue builds on the revolutionary foundation of Algorithmix’s classic PEQ Blue, maintaining a benchmark for the 21st century. thEQblue is a set of twelve Minimum Phase EQ architectures, each using 80-bit internal floating point precision. We’ve developed many respected hardware EQs, creating idealized digital versions based on this inspiration. Instead of models or simulations that carry analog baggage, thEQblue has no noise, distortion, or other secondary effects inherited from analog.
MAAT – thEQorange
When cleanliness is paramount.
Linear phase equalizer with unprecedented clarity. For ear mastering and other discerning engineers.
Many master engineers, including MAAT founder Friedemann Tischmeyer, were fans of the legendary original Algorithmix Linear Phase PEQ Orange. Unfortunately, Algorithmix EQs were only available as 32-bit VSTs for PCs and our workstations, and our industry has evolved since then. Tischmeyer’s students repeatedly asked for alternatives, which forced him to scan the market for other high-end EQs. Colleague Bob Katz recommended EQuilibrium, an insanely versatile tool that Tischmeyer used to teach. However, he was unable to find a satisfactory alternative to replace his original PEQ Orange.
MAAT – thEQred
Building on Algorithmix’s highly publicized Linear Phase PEQ Red, thEQred transforms this reference quality into a modern cross-platform product. ThEQred is a parametric audio equalizer for exceptional smoothness through frequency equalization. As with other members of the MAAT thEQ family, its sophisticated 80-bit floating point internal architecture, sophisticated signal windowing and applied computational precision all contribute to uncompromising quality and high precision.
Several features of thEQred support MAAT’s philosophy of maximum workflow efficiency, such as the exclusive Contribution Control. New to the product family is the VariSlope technology patented by thEQred. With VariSlope, shelving and cutoff filters offer continuous slope control from zero to 24 dB / octave. Unlike other equalizers that allow you to define or draw a “curve”, VariSlope offers unique versatility while maintaining the sound quality that MAAT equalizers are known for. The combination of Linear Phase and VariSlope provides very smooth, controlled spectral changes without any phase shift or group delay.
MAAT – 2BC multiCORR
Why do you need a multiband correlation meter? It’s just that an ordinary stereo correlation meter does not identify specific problem areas. If your fat bass and bass are mono, they are mostly correlated, so the stereo correlation meter will show that everything is in order. while the strings, hi-hat or vocals go out! The 2BC multiCORR combines the useful and favorite features of our free 2BusControl Monitor Controller Plug-in with a carefully designed 3-octave multiband correlation meter. Our multiband approach warns you not to overdo stereo propagation with your fancy propagation tool, or when your stereo microphones are throwing too much content out of phase. Either way, you will get canceled when your mix is converted to mono.
Correlation measures the degree of affinity between the left and right channels. If they are similar, it is mono and they will have perfect correlation. Stereo noise is decorrelated, there is no similarity between channels. Stereo music should be more like the previous one, with some degree of “stereonicity” to create a soundstage, while convincing diffuse reverb should have a lower inter-channel correlation. When content is present in one channel and the phase inverted version is in another channel, this sums to zero in mono and the sound fades out.
MAAT – DROffline MkII
The DROffline MkII Batch Measurement App from MAAT is the only software that automatically measures all of the required R 128 parameters, as well as the official DRi and many key metrics that your DAW may not be able to display. All this is in the background and does not bother you. Offering the core capabilities for music-based file-based metering, the DROffline MkII offers 24 different measurements, including integrated DRi and PSR dynamic range, a new ratio of peak to short-term sample loudness. You can evaluate a single file or an entire directory in batch, all in the background while you continue to work.
DROffline MkII generates both plain text and tab-delimited text logs, with additional engineer and studio metadata, so you can send beautiful reports to your clients that they can use for replication, distribution, and as documentation for publication, provenance, or chain of evidence …
To the attention of Pro Tool & Logic users! DROffline MkII offers easy access to all sound statistics and metadata through an instant drag and drop interface. Speaking of drag and drop, DRO2 works in conjunction with the DRMeter MkII to take measurements when you drag and drop an audio file into a DRM2 instance in your DAW.
With the same user interface, MAAT’s two-channel and multi-channel LIN family is your final link between production and release. Offering additional word length shortening and seven noise shaping spectra tailored for both analog and digital resource delivery, LIN is easily customizable to help create your own signature sound. In addition to TPD and Weighted TPD, LINpro and LINSurround offer four newly developed 5th, 8th and 9th order psychoacoustic noise shaping options. As with all dithering mechanisms, LIN must be the most recent plug-in instance, just before it is converted to the final fixed-point format.
LINpro and LINSurround include the latest advances in auditory and psychoacoustic research. Old, outdated dithering engines rely on decades of approach to the problem. We at MAAT evaluated our original LINearise engine and realized that we could “make it” even better by implementing a more accurate, mathematically superior approach plus new thinking both in terms of user experience (UX) and how you want your master sounded. Whether you’re supplying a 16-bit dubbed Red Book master, a 24-bit 88.2k “high definition” file for today’s higher fidelity streaming services, or multi-channel 48k streams for surround sound for video and movies, the LIN family gets you there. there from the tracks with the best sound.
MAAT DRMeter offers the necessary options for real-time sound level measurement. These include graphical and numerical estimation of DR dynamic range, as well as SPPM peak, rms amplitude, digital boost measurements. The release of MAAT DRMeter marks MAAT’s first step in furthering the legacy of the legendary TT PMF dynamic range meter, by far the most popular metering plug-in of the past decade, and has spawned many imprecise imitators. DRMeter’s carefully tuned ballistics helped fuel the widespread acceptance of the original TT, inspiring music producers and performers around the world to produce more dynamic music releases. We tested the new DRMeter over and over again against the original TT DR Meter to ensure a consistent user experience.