As a rule, equalizers for mastering are focused exclusively on the equalization process, but PSP MasterQ2 is not just mastering; “Q” stands for Quality. We designed the PSP MasterQ2 as a creative mixing and mastering tool, or wherever features and quality are required.
PSP MasterQ2 can operate at sampling rates from 44.1 kHz to 768 kHz. It offers seven different filters: 12, 24, and 36 dB / oct low and high cut filters; low and high shelf filters that can be switched to peak filters; and low-mid, mid, and high-mid-peak filters — all with adjustable frequency and wide-band Q.
The EQ graph displays an overview of the EQ curve as well as the individual characteristics of each filter. In addition to its powerful filters, the PSP MasterQ2 also offers you a choice of clipping and “soft clipping” algorithms to help you shape your signal and prevent digital peaks.
PSP MasterQ2 uses amazingly accurate 80-bit extended floating point computation in all filters to eliminate any accumulation errors. It also ensures optimum filter performance even at the lowest frequencies with high gain and quality.
PSP MasterQ2 also uses our proprietary Frequency Authentication algorithm. “FAT” is a double sampling technique that ensures correct filter performance at the highest frequencies. This mode uses high-order linear filters to prevent phase errors and linear errors in the audio passband caused by double-order sampling. This method results in double sampling without any sampling rate conversion artifacts.
We would like you to experience this for yourself – it must be heard to be believed! Use it as a precision surgical EQ for mastering or a color processor for sound design and mixing. Once you try it, you will realize how creative the PSP MasterQ2 can be for sound shaping.
– Apple Silicon support
– VST3 format
– graphic engine with zooming
– presets explorer system
– presets designed by Alberto Rizzo Schettino, Sakis Anastopoulos and Sebastian Imbierowicz
– up to 768kHz sample rate
– more interactive charts for filters manipulation
– the PACE authorization system
– latency reporting
– momentary signal overlevel at the moment of switching on the bypass
– routing problem on multi channel (more than 2 channels) tracks in Reaper. The right channel is muted when the VST 3 plug-in is inserted. We advice to use VST 2.4. version on such tracks.
1. Improving stability between VST3 version of the plugin and Ableton Live host application,
2. Proper track routing in Reaper for more audio channels than two.