Experience a synthesizer that really does it all. With cutting-edge features and unrivaled versatility, = NEXUS5 is the gateway to limitless creativity.
Introducing the best super synthesizer
Experience a synthesizer that truly does it all. Packed with cutting-edge features and unrivaled versatility, NEXUS5 is your gateway to unlimited creativity.
Unmatched sampling power: Seamlessly import single samples, multiple samples, or entire libraries. Automatic slicing and cycling for easy workflow.
8 advanced oscillators: Explore endless possibilities with Virtual Analog, Sampler, Wavetable, Time Stretcher, Retro Sampler, Grain, Cloud and FM synthesis.
Studio-grade effects: Dozens of effects, including the new Bucket Brigade Delay, Particle Reverb, Vowel Filter, Rotary, Pusher and more, will add depth and character to your sound.
And much more! The perfect combination of power, precision and ease of use, making it ideal for producers of all levels.
Compatible with all NEXUS
NEXUS5 is compatible with all your existing NEXUS projects and libraries. You can load your old beats into your DAW and load the sounds you had before. It just works.
Fast, resource-efficient
NEXUS5 offers what NEXUS is known for:
Extremely fast preset loading time and high processor performance.
New Factory Content
Updated to impress, NEXUS5 comes with over 1,100 brand new factory presets that will take your work to the next level!
Of course, all factory content from previous NEXUS versions is also included, bringing the total amount of content included in the standard NEXUS5 to over 5,300 presets!
All modern genres are covered: EDM, melodic techno, house, vintage synthesizers, hip-hop, lo-fi, retrowave, cyberpunk, drum and bass, trance and much more!
Open architecture
Load your own samples, create your own routes, create your own extensions. Use the built-in sample editor with the ability to slice, loop and crossfade. Alternatively, and for quick results, load one of the thousands of presets available for NEXUS5 and modify them to suit your needs. The only limit is your imagination!
New Factory Content
Revamped beyond recognition, NEXUS5 comes with over 1,100 brand new factory presets that will take your productions to the next level! Of course, all factory presets from previous versions of NEXUS are also included, bringing the total number of presets included in the standard edition of NEXUS5 to over 5,300! All modern genres are covered: EDM, Melodic Techno, House, Vintage Synths, Hip Hop, Lo-fi, Retrowave, Cyberpunk, Drum and Bass, Trance and more!
Retro Skin
Feeling nostalgic for simpler times when life seemed a little easier? We’ve got you covered – at least when it comes to the classic look and feel of NEXUS2. The Retro Skin is fully functional, faithfully recreates the NEXUS2 experience, and is just one click away! Whether you’re revisiting old projects or simply enjoying the charm of a familiar interface, the Retro Skin offers the perfect combination of nostalgia and functionality. Dive into the atmosphere you know and love!
Introducing the Super Synthesizer
Experience a synth that truly does it all. Packed with cutting-edge features and unrivaled versatility, NEXUS5 is your gateway to unlimited creativity. Unprecedented sampling power: Seamlessly import single samples, multisamples, or entire libraries. Automatic slicing and looping for simplified workflow.
8 advanced oscillators: Explore endless possibilities with virtual analog, sampler, wavetable, time stretcher, retro sampler, grain, cloud, and FM synthesis. Studio-grade effects: Dozens of effects, including the new Bucket Brigade Delay, Particle Reverb, Vowel Filter, Rotary, Pusher, and more, add depth and character to your sound. And much more! The perfect combination of power, precision, and ease of use, making it ideal for producers of all levels.

- Download reFX – Nexus 5 v5.1.9 (Incl. 36 N2 Era Skins) WIN VSTi, VST3i, AAX, x64 {CE-V. R} [12/28/2024]
- Original Publisher: reFX
- Version: 5.1.9
- Format: VSTi, VSTi3, AAX
- Category: Virtual instruments and synthesizers
- Require: Win 10+
- License type: Full
- Download Size: 103.8 MB + 197.35 GB Extensions
FL Studio 21 also soon please man, please!!
it dosent work
Nexus 5 was cracked
Will be added within few hours.
this one is working perfectly,Without any problem I tested this
Thank you for Nexus 5, This version is amazing
If I install this, what happens to my old installation of Nexus 4.5?
Old library is also enabled in contents
And what about the full 200 GB Library???
work as before
You mean that (200 GB Library) would work in Nexus 5 as well?
Merci!!! Ca fonctionne nickel
Thank you for uploading this on the right time. I was looking for nexus 4 but i got surprised when i saw the 5th one here. Thank you by heart
I replaced all the files in C:\Users\Public\Documents\reFX\NEXUS tags.csv
C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Roaming\reFX\cloud\cache\images N5_Factory_Presets.svg but no library in the nexus found,help please
Install Nexus 5.
From the Nexus 5 Content folder :
If you are a new Nexus user and you do not have previously released Nexus 4 libraries, just specify the folder location
“Nexus 5 Content” folder included in this distribution during the installation of the Nexus
You can also change the location of the Content folder by editing Settings.json in “C:\Users\Public\Documents\reFX\NEXUS”
(Using a text document to edit)
Use a double reverse \\ slash between the splits of the folders.
Thanks a lot brother,it works
So many typos. How the f**k is anyone installing this without it crashing and dying?
Can you help me please
Execute este arquivo como administrador onde a pasta NEXUS LIBRARY está localizada
Caso você também esteja enfrentando problemas de não ouvir a visualização do som dentro do nexus, basta copiar a pasta NKS dentro da pasta NEXUS LIBRARY.
Esta pasta NKS não está contida neste link que enviei, mas geralmente vem com o arquivo baixado, ou fácil de encontrar na rede.
Nexus AAX crashes ProTools (AudioUtopia release). VST3 works fine.
Anybody have this working in ProTools?
its not working
Acredito que seu problema deve ser com bibliotecas onde o nexo não vê a pasta. Coloque este arquivo executável na pasta onde a biblioteca nexus (NEUXS LIBRARY) está localizada e execute como administrador. Entre na DAW e execute o nexus e você verá que as pastas estão lá.
version 5.1.6 has already been released
I get a Could App register popup to add the libraries ?
I followed every step but it keeps saying the library isn’t installed use cloud app any help would be appreciated
works good read the instructions from other users if you caint figure out
Not expansions i mean,but some old presets from Nexus 4 really ask for license. Everything is installed correctly.I was randomly testing . But other than that it works fine.
version 5.1.8 is released, retro 2 can be changed
vintage synth 3 is now available
The 197 GB library that has just been uploaded to your website, if I download it will it work on the Nexus 5
asking for PASSWORD
what a waste of time effort engry and storage space doesnt work library doesnt come loaded up. changed the location in the json folder doesnt work either i have a preset with no presets after a day of trying. terrible.
I’m sorry it’s not working for you..
Re-read the instructions and try again..
the software loads properly…
Odd that you made changes to the.json when you have a perfectly good library location tool included..
works great for me
tons of expansions here..
Hello i am new to all this how do you download it ?
What do you use to download torerents?
Can someone help me i installed all presets show up but the sound stays the same on saw init
im having the same problem. Followed instructions exactly, the .json matches the path for presets, i tried pasting a preset into different folders when at first it displayed 0. the when i got a preset to appear i clicked, double clicked,right clicked, pressed arrows, pressed 6 on that and nothing switched it off of saw init.
if this copy worked before, it doesnt now. The log displays errors in the vst itself.
I had same issues but after i followed the instruction carefully, its working perfect ~
hello, everything works fine but I have a problem. when I load a song and want to listen to it in my piano roll, my fl studio crashes every time. sorry for the translation I’m french 🙂