In Cubase 7 were first introduced:
- New track type “Chord Track”
- New mixer named “MixConsole”
- New start screen “Steinberg Hub”
- Strip function
Differences from Cubase 8 and later:
- Support for classic and contrasting Windows themes
- 32-bit version
- Organization of the interface as in Cubase 5
The design of Cubase 7 differs from that of other versions.
The main limitations of Cubase Artist:
- Track limit (64)
- Lack of OMF format support
- Lack of Control Room, VariAudio and Surround Sound
- Limited access to music editor
About this build : The build is
planned to be lightweight, self-contained and highly portable. The program does not require eLicenser Control to run, it can be installed anywhere (including on a removable drive and run on another computer). Because of this, part of the VST instruments is missing from the assembly and the vstsound libraries are not supported.
Add. Information : In Сubase 7, the developers also strengthened the protection of the code, which caused the well-known “bugs”. Unfortunately, this build has all the problems typical for broken versions, plus a trouble with the side chain, it’s better not to turn it on again.
2. If the installation path has been changed or both options (32 and 64) are installed, copy CubaseArtist7Fix.exe to the program folder
3. Run CubaseArtist7Fix.exe with administrator rights and enter a unit to continue