Wideband stereo compressor
Impress is a wideband stereo compressor that includes sidechain, various prefilter options and state-of-the-art oversampling. The goal of the development was to cover a wide range of compression applications in modern mixing and mastering situations with a strong emphasis on low aliasing. Thus, Impress can be used to give subtle shape to the sound of a ratchet, glue together different tracks on an instrument bus and even perform such complex tasks as de-essing or vocal overdubbing.
- 64-bit internal processing with zero latency and no clicks.
- Low aliasing compressor.
- “True” oversampling, up to 8x.
- Stereo/left/right/mid/side processing.
- 5 compressor modes: classic, source/target, variable, extended and feedback.
- Non-linear and linear attack/release time shapes.
- Dependent saturation with gain reduction.
- 4 level detection modes: peak, RMS, EBU ML and EBU SL.
- External sidechain.
- Detector pre-filter.
- Lead-in.
- Low aliasing soft knee.
- Gain reduction limit.
- Dry/wet.
- Peak/RMS/EBU R128 metering.
- Detector/triangle listening mode.
- Target loudness matching based on EBU R128.
- Lead limiter (peak or true peak).
- Clipper.
- Perceptual A/B loudness matching (ABLM).
- Preset management.
- A/B parameter.
- Large and accurate real-time counters.
- Peak control view.
- Gain transfer view.
- Loudness distribution view.
- Detector spectrum view.
- Free size and scale of the GUI.

- Download TBProAudio – Impress 3 v3.2.2 VST, VST3, CLAP, AAX x86 x64 [05.12.2024]
- Original Publisher: TBProAudio
- Version: 3.2.2
- Format: VST, VST3, CLAP, AAX
- Category: VST Plugins,
- Require: WIN 7+
- License type: Full
- Download Size: 5.5 MB
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