With love from Finland. Get inspired by the sounds of Finnish nature: XPERIMENTA Kantele is a sample library of three beautiful kantele, including Concerto Kantele performed by musician and artist Emma Lomi. XPERIMENTA Kantele was recorded in a 105 square meter recording studio at the Music Technology Department of the Sibelius Academy using only the most modern equipment.
for Kontakt Full 5.5 or higher
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Additional Information
“Finnish folk poetry recounts that the first kantele was made from the jaw bones of fish and the hair of young maidens. When the first kantele was played, the sound was so beautiful that all living things started to cry. Their tears rolled into the ocean, and when they touched the sea they turned into beautiful blue pearls.” Get inspired by the Finnish sound of the nature: XPERIMENTA Kantele is a sampled library of three beautiful Kantele, including the Concerto Kantele, played by the musician and artist Emma Lomy.
XPERIMENTA Kantele was recorded in a 105mq recording studio in the Sibelius Academy Music Technology department, using only top-end gear and a lot of passion. The kantele is the national instrument of Finland, and it belongs to a large family of string instruments called “zithers“. Zithers have a resonating body with a variable number of strings, which can be plucked, strummed, struck, or bowed. In the case of the kantele, the strings are plucked or strummed and the smallest kanteles can be held in the player’s lap. There are kantele of many sizes: 5-string, 10-string, 11-string, all the way up to the 36-string concert kantele, like the one we recorded.
Read more about Kantele here: kardemimmit.fi/kantele
Played by Emma Lomy:
“Emma Lomy is a Finnish multidisciplinary artist, specializing in music, poetry, essays, theatre, dance, photography and performance art. Lomy’s works explore interlacing minimalistic impressionism into a study of the aesthetic acceptance of the beautiful through various means of art.”
We are please to have worked with Emma, a great artist and Kantele player.
Emma’s website: emmalomy.com/
Recorded in Sibelius Academy Studios
The kantele was recorded in Sibelius Academy, the main conservatory of Finland. In the Folk Departement, the Kantele and other beautiful traditional instruments are still studied. The recording was made in a 105mq recording room, using only top end gear: DPA, Neumann and Gefell microphones, Grace Design preamps and RME converters.
Concerto Kantele
– Sustain
– Harmonics
– Damped
– FX
Round Ended Kantele
– Picked
– Fingered
Small Kantele
– Sustain
– FX
– Harmonics
– E. Guitar
– A. Guitar
– Psaltery
– Pad
– Sine
– Piano
39 Presets
Technical Info:
4 Dynamics, 2 Round Robin
2734 Samples, 6.00 GB
Requires Kontakt Full 5.5 or higher
Good internet connection higly recommended
XPERIMENTA Kantele was recorded in a 105mq recording studio in the Sibelius Academy Music Technology department, using only top-end gear and a lot of passion. The kantele is the national instrument of Finland, and it belongs to a large family of string instruments called “zithers“. Zithers have a resonating body with a variable number of strings, which can be plucked, strummed, struck, or bowed. In the case of the kantele, the strings are plucked or strummed and the smallest kanteles can be held in the player’s lap. There are kantele of many sizes: 5-string, 10-string, 11-string, all the way up to the 36-string concert kantele, like the one we recorded.
Read more about Kantele here: kardemimmit.fi/kantele
Played by Emma Lomy:
“Emma Lomy is a Finnish multidisciplinary artist, specializing in music, poetry, essays, theatre, dance, photography and performance art. Lomy’s works explore interlacing minimalistic impressionism into a study of the aesthetic acceptance of the beautiful through various means of art.”
We are please to have worked with Emma, a great artist and Kantele player.
Emma’s website: emmalomy.com/
Recorded in Sibelius Academy Studios
The kantele was recorded in Sibelius Academy, the main conservatory of Finland. In the Folk Departement, the Kantele and other beautiful traditional instruments are still studied. The recording was made in a 105mq recording room, using only top end gear: DPA, Neumann and Gefell microphones, Grace Design preamps and RME converters.
Concerto Kantele
– Sustain
– Harmonics
– Damped
– FX
Round Ended Kantele
– Picked
– Fingered
Small Kantele
– Sustain
– FX
– Harmonics
– E. Guitar
– A. Guitar
– Psaltery
– Pad
– Sine
– Piano
39 Presets
Technical Info:
4 Dynamics, 2 Round Robin
2734 Samples, 6.00 GB
Requires Kontakt Full 5.5 or higher
Good internet connection higly recommended