Moogerfooger aren’t your ordinary plugins. Thanks to their CV capabilities, they can be used and patched together to process your audio in very unique ways. Join trainer Rishabh Rajan as he shows explains and explore the possibilities of these Moogerfooger FX plugins.
In 2018, Moog said farewell to the Moogerfooger family of voltage-controlled analog effects. After being in production for 20-year production, the Moogerfooger pedals were the longest running lines in the Moog Factory. Of course you can still purchase these cult items on the aftermarket, but often at an insanely high cost. Now Moog brings the Moogerfoogers back from ashes in plugin format at an affordable price.
Whether you’re looking for analog delay, ring modulation, filter effects and more, the Moogerfooger plugins got you covered. Not only are they authentic-sounding effects, but they can be used and patched together right inside your favorite DAW, thanks to their creative CV capabilities. Let’s learn how to use them with trainer sound designer Rishabh Rajan…
After giving an overview and history of the Moogerfooger pedals, Rishabh covers each of the seven Moogerfooger effects in detail. You learn all about the MF-101S Lowpass Filter, the MF-102S Ring Modulator, the MF-103S 12-Stage Filter, the MF-104S Analog Delay, the MF-105S MuRF, the MF-107S Freqbox and the MF-108S Clusterflux… You explore every controls and you learn to get he most out of their CV connectivity. Rishabh ends the course with some interesting sound design examples.
Nowhere else will you find such an in-depth look at these powerful workhorse plugins. Watch this in-depth course now, and bring the sonic power of Moogerfoogers into your music now!
1. Introduction (1:05)
2. MoogerFooger History (3:10)
3. Overview (3:16)
4. CV Modulation (4:30)
5. Inter-Plugin Modulation (2:56)
Section 2: MF-101S
6. MF-101S Controls (6:30)
7. MF-101S Envelope Follower (7:42)
Section 3: MF-102S
8. MF-102S Ring Modulation (4:57)
9. MF-102S CV Modulation (7:22)
Section 4: MF-103S
10. MF-103S Phaser (5:19)
11. MF-103S Additonal Controls (5:51)
Section 5: MF-104S
12. MF-104S Analog Delay (5:57)
13. MF-104S Analog Delay Settings (5:07)
Section 6: MF-105S
14. MF-105S MuRF (7:23)
15. MF-105S Pattern Editor (4:20)
16. MF-105S CV Section (4:47)
Section 7: MF-107S
17. MF-107S Freqbox (4:21)
18. MF-107S Settings & CV (4:10)
Section 8: MF-108S
19. MF-108S Clusterflux (5:52)
20. MF-108S Settings & CV (5:27)
Section 9: Sound Design
21. Oscillator Sync with Phaser (3:12)
22. Envelope Following( 3:17)
23. FreqBox Hard Sync (2:54)