Best Service – Qanun (Engine 2)

The characteristic oriental plucked string instrument
Kanun is an instrument that reflects the sound of the East like no other. Created in the form of a wooden harp and having 63 to 84 strings, it has influenced the music of the East since the 10th century. In any case, the first illustrations in the Syriac lexicon of Hasan Bar Bahlul date back to that time. Today, the characteristic sound of the qanun still plays an important role in traditional and contemporary oriental music.
Syrian-born multi-instrumentalist Bassam Ayub has succeeded in making eve playable in the virtual world. His extensive experience in recording oriental instruments, combined with a deep understanding of their history and playing possibilities, has already been confirmed by libraries such as “Arabic Oud” and “Arabic E-Oud”.
Qanun impresses with outstanding authenticity in terms of playability and realism. This virtual replica of the traditional harp includes a total of 22 articulations, several layers of speed and up to 16 round picks, including all the main timbres that have made this wonderful instrument one of the most famous plucked instruments in the world.
The main goal was to achieve an authentic sound with the greatest possible reproducibility, so articulations are divided into recorded performances and articulations that can be played freely. Built-in micro settings make every professional maqam performer’s heart beat faster.
Never before have music creators had access to such a wide range of virtual instruments.
so it’s easy to blend traditional and modern influences into something new. Qunun’s versatile range of sounds
is also exceptionally interesting for contemporary productions in genres such as EDM, hip-hop, pop and other styles.
Qanun impresses with outstanding authenticity in terms of playability and realism.
This virtual replica of the traditional harp includes a total of 22 articulations,
several layers of speed and up to 16 round picks, including all the main timbres that
have made this wonderful instrument one of the most famous plucked instruments in the world.
The main goal was to achieve an authentic sound with the greatest possible reproducibility,
so articulations are divided into recorded performances and articulations that can be played freely.
Built-in micro settings make every professional maqam performer’s heart beat faster.
Never before have music creators had access to such a wide range of virtual instruments.
and it’s so easy to combine traditional and modern influences into something new. Quanun’s versatile range of sounds
is also exceptionally interesting for contemporary productions in genres such as EDM, hip-hop, pop and other styles.

Additional Information
The Qanun Virtual Engine brings the beautiful sounds of the Middle East straight into your DAW-based production environment. The clean and well-programmed Engine Player interface makes working with the library intuitive and easy. Unleash your creativity and be inspired by the sounds of Eve.
The user interface gives access to the most important and most commonly used micro settings of Eastern music: Bayati, Rast, Saba and Seka. Each setting offers two options (regular and Syriac ecclesiastical) and a free selection of base notes.
Keyswitches allow you to switch between playback modes for incredibly realistic performances. A distinction must be made between latching and holding switches. While latch switches remain activated after a key is released, latch switches remain activated only as long as they are pressed and held by the player – upon release, the playstyle changes to the last selected latch switch.
The green MIDI song keys above the play area play short MIDI sequences that showcase Qanun’s many playing features.
How to install
After adding the library, open libray and allow the license manager to open.
Copy the product code from the license manager and paste it into the R2R keygen, click “Create License”.
A window will open asking for the R2RYTELC file, navigate to the library folder and select QANUN.r2rytelc.
After selecting QANUN.r2rytelc Generate a response code in the keygen and paste it into the license manager ENGINE2 – Click ACTIVATE.
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1 year ago

dont exist the r2r activator file