Everything a toy gun can do: we recorded it. Grips, motions, clicks, rattles, spins, clicks, grabs, magazines, reloads, shots and more await you in this dense sound effects utility suite. Complement existing weapon designs or build new mechanical attachments from scratch with TOY GUNS.
When developing movies or video games, the meaty sound of TOY GUNS will be an incredible addition to our tool belt. The library consists of 277 files, each with 6 variations, and contains more than a whopping 5 GB of effects presented in High Definition Audio (192 kHz / 24 bit). All sounds are free, which, as always, guarantees you the best quality.
As all experienced sound engineers know, real weapons don’t sound like what we see on screen. Does a real pistol, built for maximum durability, rattle when you swing it? Of course not.
But toy guns! These fun, non-lethal contraptions have offered us a large number and variety of sounds in our recordings that will easily complement your gunfoils, flesh out mechanical sounds, and may even be sufficient on their own for certain designs.
Again, it’s all up to the imagination how far one can go with this library.
BOOM Library sound effects come as WAV files, which means you can import them and work with them in any software that can handle files of this type. Here are the most common audio and video editing software tools that work great with our sound effects.
To give you the fastest and easiest workflow possible, all files contain rich metadata such as a file description and keywords to quickly find the sounds you need. The metadata can be read and processed by audio controls. Some digital audio workstations have a built-in search tool that can also read embedded metadata.
TOYMech_TOY GUN CREAK-Extra Large Auto Belt Blaster_B00M_MBTG.wav Rattling, screeching, scratching, and several heavy hits.
TOYMech_TOY GUN CREAK-Extra Large Long Range Assault_B00M_MBTG.wav Slow and hard creaking, like plastic being crumpled.
TOYMech_TOY GUN CREAK-Handgun_B00M_MBTG.wav Soft rattling, resembling crumpling a light and plastic object.
TOYMech_TOY GUN CREAK-Large Auto Blaster_B00M_MBTG.wav Short and quick screeches, resembling hard and plastic object scraping each other.
TOYMech_TOY GUN CREAK-Large Rotary_B00M_MBTG.wav Simultaneous rattling and soft screeching.
TOYMech_TOY GUN CREAK-Medium Auto Rifle_B00M_MBTG.wav Short and hard scratching with soft rattling.
TOYMech_TOY GUN CREAK-Medium Blaster_B00M_MBTG.wav Rattle with short and hard scraping.
TOYMech_TOY GUN CREAK-Medium Modular Assault_B00M_MBTG.wav Hits, rattling, screeching, and soft scraping.
TOYMech_TOY GUN CREAK-Medium Modular Rifle_B00M_MBTG.wav Hard and continuous scraping with sharp screeching.
TOYMech_TOY GUN CREAK-Medium Revolver_B00M_MBTG.wav Loud rattling and screeching, like pressing down on light and plastic objects.
TOYMech_TOY GUN CREAK-Medium Semi-Assault Rotary_B00M_MBTG.wav Sharp screeching and scraping in short motions.
TOYMech_TOY GUN CREAK-Missile Launcher_B00M_MBTG.wav Sharp screeching, resembling crumpling light and plastic object.
TOYMech_TOY GUN CREAK-Pull-Back Paintball Gun _B00M_MBTG.wav Short and sharp screech with hit at the end.
TOYMech_TOY GUN CREAK-Small Clip On Rifle_B00M_MBTG.wav Loud rattling, hits, and screeching.
TOYMech_TOY GUN CREAK-Small Hand Pistol_B00M_MBTG.wav Sharp screeching and soft rattling.
TOYMech_TOY GUN CREAK-Small Hand Rotary_B00M_MBTG.wav Continuous rattling and distorted hits.
TOYMech_TOY GUN CREAK-Small Handgun_B00M_MBTG.wav Soft rattling and screeching, like small plastic objects being moved around.
TOYMech_TOY GUN CREAK-Small Pullback Blaster_B00M_MBTG.wav Screeching, resembling hard and slow crumpling of a plastic object.
TOYMech_TOY GUN GRAB-Double Shotgun Double_B00M_MBTG.wav Two heavy clicks, like reloading a plastic gun.
TOYMech_TOY GUN GRAB-Double Shotgun Single_B00M_MBTG.wav Single heavy hit, like striking a big and plastic item.
TOYMech_TOY GUN GRAB-Extra Large Auto Belt Blaster Double_B00M_MBTG.wav Two quick hits, resembling heavy shudder.
TOYMech_TOY GUN GRAB-Extra Large Auto Belt Blaster Single_B00M_MBTG.wav Short creak, immediately followed by a hard hit.
TOYMech_TOY GUN GRAB-Extra Large Long Range AssaultDouble_B00M_MBTG.wav Two very quick and dirty hits, like shaking an unstable and plastic object.
TOYMech_TOY GUN GRAB-Extra Large Long Range AssaultSingle_B00M_MBTG.wavSingle quick hit, like firing a big and plastic bullet.
TOYMech_TOY GUN GRAB-Handgun Double_B00M_MBTG.wav Two clicks, resembling gently reloading a plastic gun.
TOYMech_TOY GUN GRAB-Handgun Single_B00M_MBTG.wav Single hit, like stomping on a textured ground.
TOYMech_TOY GUN GRAB-Large Auto Blaster Double_B00M_MBTG.wav Two hard hits, like dragging a heavy object across the floor.
TOYMech_TOY GUN GRAB-Large Auto Blaster Single_B00M_MBTG.wav Single hit, similar to chopping wood.
TOYMech_TOY GUN GRAB-Large Rotary Double_B00M_MBTG.wav Two dirty hits, resembling a big ball dropping down and bouncing back up.
TOYMech_TOY GUN GRAB-Large Rotary Single_B00M_MBTG.wav Single short hit, resembling closing a car door.
TOYMech_TOY GUN GRAB-Medium Auto Rifle Double_B00M_MBTG.wav Two hits, like reloading a heavy and plastic gun.
TOYMech_TOY GUN GRAB-Medium Auto Rifle Single_B00M_MBTG.wav Soft shake, immediately followed by a hard hit.
TOYMech_TOY GUN GRAB-Medium Blaster Double_B00M_MBTG.wav Two quick clicks, with slight scrape like sound.
TOYMech_TOY GUN GRAB-Medium Blaster Single_B00M_MBTG.wav Single hard hit, like striking a heavy and plastic object.
TOYMech_TOY GUN GRAB-Medium Modular Assault Double_B00M_MBTG.wav Two quick hits, like plastic object falling down onto another plastic object.
TOYMech_TOY GUN GRAB-Medium Modular Assault Single_B00M_MBTG.wav Single hard hit, like striking a heavy and plastic object.
TOYMech_TOY GUN GRAB-Medium Modular Rifle Double_B00M_MBTG.wav Two short hits, with a very short and light scrape like sound at the end.
TOYMech_TOY GUN GRAB-Medium Modular Rifle Single_B00M_MBTG.wav Single hit, like a big and plastic object heavily dropping onto another plastic object.
TOYMech_TOY GUN GRAB-Medium Revolver Double_B00M_MBTG.wav Two quick hits, like reloading a heavy and plastic gun.
TOYMech_TOY GUN GRAB-Medium Revolver Single_B00M_MBTG.wav Single heavy hit, like striking a big and plastic item.
TOYMech_TOY GUN GRAB-Medium Semi-Assault Rotary Double_B00M_MBTG.wav Two heavy and hollow clicks, with light scrape like sound.
TOYMech_TOY GUN GRAB-Medium Semi-Assault Rotary Single_B00M_MBTG.wav Single click, like a soft and deep hit on a textured ground.
TOYMech_TOY GUN GRAB-Microgun Double_B00M_MBTG.wav Two clicks, resembling short and soft rattle.
TOYMech_TOY GUN GRAB-Microgun Single_B00M_MBTG.wav Single click, like a quick and soft hit.
TOYMech_TOY GUN GRAB-Missile Launcher Double_B00M_MBTG.wav Two short hits, resembling a fast shuffle of light and plastic items.
TOYMech_TOY GUN GRAB-Missile Launcher Single_B00M_MBTG.wav Single short hit, resembling a small and plastic bullet hitting a hard target.
TOYMech_TOY GUN GRAB-Pull-Back Paintball Gun Double_B00M_MBTG.wav Two clicks, resembling short and soft rattle.
TOYMech_TOY GUN GRAB-Pull-Back Paintball Gun Single_B00M_MBTG.wav Single soft click, with a slight scrape like sound.
TOYMech_TOY GUN GRAB-Small Clip On Rifle Double_B00M_MBTG.wav Two short hits, like dropping a big and plastic item onto another plastic item.
TOYMech_TOY GUN GRAB-Small Clip On Rifle No Mag Double_B00M_MBTG.wav Two short and soft hits, like taking a plastic item from a pile of other plastic items.
TOYMech_TOY GUN GRAB-Small Clip On Rifle No Mag Single_B00M_MBTG.wav Short hit, resembling a soft hit of light and plastic objects.
TOYMech_TOY GUN GRAB-Small Clip On Rifle Single_B00M_MBTG.wav Hard hit with short scrape like sound.
TOYMech_TOY GUN GRAB-Small Hand Pistol Double_B00M_MBTG.wav Two short hits, resembling heavy and plastic items hitting each other.
TOYMech_TOY GUN GRAB-Small Hand Pistol Single_B00M_MBTG.wav Single hit with slight scrape like sound.
TOYMech_TOY GUN GRAB-Small Hand Rotary Double_B00M_MBTG.wav Two short hits with quick scrape like sound.
TOYMech_TOY GUN GRAB-Small Hand Rotary Single_B00M_MBTG.wav Single short hit, resembling a plastic bullet hitting a hard target.
TOYMech_TOY GUN GRAB-Small Handgun Double_B00M_MBTG.wav Two short hits with quick scrape like sound.
TOYMech_TOY GUN GRAB-Small Handgun Single_B00M_MBTG.wav Single short hit, resembling a plastic bullet hitting a hard target.
TOYMech_TOY GUN GRAB-Small Pullback Blaster Double_B00M_MBTG.wav Two soft hits, like reloading a plastic gun.
TOYMech_TOY GUN GRAB-Small Pullback Blaster Single_B00M_MBTG.wav Single short hit, similar to smashing a plastic item.
TOYMech_TOY GUN MAG IN OUT-Extra Large Long RangeAssault_B00M_MBTG.wav Heavy and short scrape like sound.
TOYMech_TOY GUN MAG IN OUT-Large Auto Blaster_B00M_MBTG.wav Sharp and deep scrape like sound.
TOYMech_TOY GUN MAG IN OUT-Medium Auto Rifle_B00M_MBTG.wav Deep hit with short and hard scrape like sound.
TOYMech_TOY GUN MAG IN OUT-Medium Modular Assault_B00M_MBTG.wav Soft rattle, followed by a hard and deep click.
TOYMech_TOY GUN MAG IN OUT-Medium Modular Rifle FinalInsert_B00M_MBTG.wav Light scratch, followed by a hard and deep click.
TOYMech_TOY GUN MAG IN OUT-Medium Modular Rifle_B00M_MBTG.wav Short scrape like sound with slight rattle.
TOYMech_TOY GUN MAG IN OUT-Medium Semi-Assault Rotary Insert ReleaseFast_B00M_MBTG.wav Soft clicks with short and light scrape like sounds.
TOYMech_TOY GUN MAG IN OUT-Medium Semi-Assault Rotary InsertRelease_B00M_MBTG.wav Short scrape like sounds with soft rattle.
TOYMech_TOY GUN MAG IN OUT-Small Clip On Rifle_B00M_MBTG.wav Soft and quick scrape like sounds.
TOYMech_TOY GUN MECHANICS-Double Shotgun Lid Open CloseFast_B00M_MBTG.wav Short and hard scraping, immediately followed by a click.
TOYMech_TOY GUN MECHANICS-Double Shotgun Lid Open Close_B00M_MBTG.wav Short scraping, immediately followed by a soft click.
TOYMech_TOY GUN MECHANICS-Extra Large Auto Belt Blaster Chamber OpenAggressive_B00M_MBTG.wav Short and deep clicks with slight scrape like sound.
TOYMech_TOY GUN MECHANICS-Extra Large Auto Belt Blaster ChamberOpen_B00M_MBTG.wav Soft click, followed by two short hits
TOYMech_TOY GUN MECHANICS-Extra Large Auto Belt Blaster FalseFire_B00M_MBTG.wav Short sound resembling revving up a small motor and immediately stopping, with clicks in some variations.
TOYMech_TOY GUN MECHANICS-Extra Large Auto Belt Blaster Lever PullBack_B00M_MBTG.wav Two short and deep clicks.
TOYMech_TOY GUN MECHANICS-Extra Large Long Range Assault Catch OpenClose_B00M_MBTG.wav Several soft clicks, like moving a small and plastic compartment in and out
TOYMech_TOY GUN MECHANICS-Handgun Flick_B00M_MBTG.wav Deep click with short rattle like sound.
TOYMech_TOY GUN MECHANICS-Handgun Shake Click_B00M_MBTG.wav Short click with fast rattle like element.
TOYMech_TOY GUN MECHANICS-Large Auto Blaster Latch_B00M_MBTG.wav Sharp and deep click with scrape like sound.
TOYMech_TOY GUN MECHANICS-Large Auto Blaster Trigger Pull_B00M_MBTG.wav Light click with scrape like element.
TOYMech_TOY GUN MECHANICS-Large Rotary Click Single_B00M_MBTG.wav Short and soft drag, followed by a hard hit.
TOYMech_TOY GUN MECHANICS-Large Rotary Click Turn_B00M_MBTG.wav Short clicks, like slowly rotating a mechanical drum magazine.
TOYMech_TOY GUN MECHANICS-Medium Auto Rifle Electronic MotorLong_B00M_MBTG.wav Soft click, followed by continuous and stable buzzing which stops at the end.
TOYMech_TOY GUN MECHANICS-Medium Auto Rifle Electronic MotorShort_B00M_MBTG.wav Soft click, followed by short buzzing which stops immediately after starting.
TOYMech_TOY GUN MECHANICS-Medium Blaster Catch PressRelease_B00M_MBTG.wav Sharp click with light scrape like sound.
TOYMech_TOY GUN MECHANICS-Medium Blaster Dial Spin Click_B00M_MBTG.wav Sharp click with soft rattle like sound.
TOYMech_TOY GUN MECHANICS-Medium Modular Assault AttachmentClick_B00M_MBTG.wav Short and deep click with scrape like sound.
TOYMech_TOY GUN MECHANICS-Medium Modular Assault AttachmentRemove_B00M_MBTG.wav Deep clicks with slow and heavy rattle.
TOYMech_TOY GUN MECHANICS-Medium Modular Assault Catch_B00M_MBTG.wav Short, quick, and crackle like sound.
TOYMech_TOY GUN MECHANICS-Medium Modular Assault TriggerPull_B00M_MBTG.wav Two quick hits with scrape like element.
TOYMech_TOY GUN MECHANICS-Medium Modular Rifle Attachment OnOff_B00M_MBTG.wav Hard and deep click with scrape like sound.
TOYMech_TOY GUN MECHANICS-Medium Modular Rifle AttachmentTwist_B00M_MBTG.wav Sharp click and scrape like sound.
TOYMech_TOY GUN MECHANICS-Medium Revolver False Reload_B00M_MBTG.wav Double click like reloading a plastic gun.
TOYMech_TOY GUN MECHANICS-Medium Revolver Rotary ClickTurn_B00M_MBTG.wav Single click and bounce like sound.
TOYMech_TOY GUN MECHANICS-Medium Revolver Rotary Turn FastAggressive_B00M_MBTG.wav Fast clicks, resembling quick rattle.
TOYMech_TOY GUN MECHANICS-Medium Revolver Rotary TurnFast_B00M_MBTG.wav Quick and deep rattle, like rotating a drum magazine.
TOYMech_TOY GUN MECHANICS-Medium Revolver Rotary TurnSlow_B00M_MBTG.wav Hard clicks, like slowly rotating a drum magazine.
TOYMech_TOY GUN MECHANICS-Medium Revolver Rotary TurnSoft_B00M_MBTG.wav Hard clicks, resembling slow rattle.
TOYMech_TOY GUN MECHANICS-Medium Revolver Rotary Turn_B00M_MBTG.wav Quick and hard clicks, resembling rattling sound.
TOYMech_TOY GUN MECHANICS-Medium Revolver Shake MOVEMENTSpin_B00M_MBTG.wav Hard hit and quick scrape like sound.
TOYMech_TOY GUN MECHANICS-Medium Revolver Trigger Pull_B00M_MBTG.wav Soft click, like pressing a plastic button.
TOYMech_TOY GUN MECHANICS-Medium Semi-Assault Click_B00M_MBTG.wav Fast and sharp click, like pressing a big and plastic button.
TOYMech_TOY GUN MECHANICS-Medium Semi-Assault Rotary CatchSwitch_B00M_MBTG.wav Short and rough scrape-like sound.
TOYMech_TOY GUN MECHANICS-Medium Semi-Assault Rotary Click SpinFast_B00M_MBTG.wav Fast and hard clicks, resembling rotating a drum magazine.
TOYMech_TOY GUN MECHANICS-Medium Semi-Assault Rotary ClickTwists_B00M_MBTG.wav Fast clicks, resembling quickly rotating a drum magazine.
TOYMech_TOY GUN MECHANICS-Medium Semi-Assault Rotary Empty Trigger AutoFast_B00M_MBTG.wav Continuous fast and hard clicks, resembling rattling.
TOYMech_TOY GUN MECHANICS-Medium Semi-Assault Rotary Empty Trigger AutoSlow_B00M_MBTG.wav Continuous and hard clicks, like pressing a plastic button over and over again.
TOYMech_TOY GUN MECHANICS-Medium Semi-Assault Rotary Empty TriggerAuto_B00M_MBTG.wav Continuous fast clicks, resembling rattling.
TOYMech_TOY GUN MECHANICS-Medium Semi-Assault Rotary Empty Trigger OpenClose Slow_B00M_MBTG.wav Slow and hard clicks, resembling pressing a plastic button.
TOYMech_TOY GUN MECHANICS-Medium Semi-Assault Rotary Empty Trigger OpenClose_B00M_MBTG.wav Hard clicks, resembling pressing a plastic button.
TOYMech_TOY GUN MECHANICS-Medium Semi-Assault Rotary SafetyCatch_B00M_MBTG.wav Short hit, resembling a deep click.
TOYMech_TOY GUN MECHANICS-Microgun Trigger Pull_B00M_MBTG.wav Single hit, resembling a deep click.
TOYMech_TOY GUN MECHANICS-Pull-Back Paintball Gun TriggerPull_B00M_MBTG.wav Short and soft click with scrape like sound.
TOYMech_TOY GUN MECHANICS-Small Clip On Rifle Catch_B00M_MBTG.wav Soft clicks, like moving a very small lever.
TOYMech_TOY GUN MECHANICS-Small Clip On Rifle Trigger PullAggressive_B00M_MBTG.wav Hard and deep click with scrape like sound.
TOYMech_TOY GUN MECHANICS-Small Clip On Rifle Trigger Pull_B00M_MBTG.wav Short and hard click like sound.
TOYMech_TOY GUN MECHANICS-Small Hand Pistol Trigger Pull_B00M_MBTG.wav Sharp, slow, and deep click.
TOYMech_TOY GUN MECHANICS-Small Hand Rotary Open Close_B00M_MBTG.wav Hard click with scrape like element.
TOYMech_TOY GUN MECHANICS-Small Hand Rotary Shake_B00M_MBTG.wav Quick and hard rattle, resembling a fast rotation of a drum magazine.
TOYMech_TOY GUN MECHANICS-Small Hand Rotary Spin Fast_B00M_MBTG.wav Quick and deep clicks, like rotating a mechanical drum magazine.
TOYMech_TOY GUN MECHANICS-Small Hand Rotary Spin Single_B00M_MBTG.wav Single and quick click, like rotating a mechanical drum magazine.
TOYMech_TOY GUN MECHANICS-Small Hand Rotary Trigger Pull_B00M_MBTG.wav Quick click with soft rattle like sound.
TOYMech_TOY GUN MECHANICS-Small Handgun Trigger Pull_B00M_MBTG.wav Soft click with light scrape like element.
TOYMech_TOY GUN MECHANICS-Small Pullback Blaster Trigger PullHard_B00M_MBTG.wav Deep click, resembling a short and slow rattle.
TOYMech_TOY GUN MECHANICS-Small Pullback Blaster TriggerPull_B00M_MBTG.wav Soft click, like pressing a long button.
TOYMech_TOY GUN MOVEMENT-Double Shotgun Aggressive_B00M_MBTG.wav Hard hits and scrape like sounds, resembling heavy and plastic objects hitting each other.
TOYMech_TOY GUN MOVEMENT-Double Shotgun Fast_B00M_MBTG.wav Hard and quick rattling with heavy hits.
TOYMech_TOY GUN MOVEMENT-Double Shotgun Slow_B00M_MBTG.wav Heavy hits, resembling slowly shaking heavy and plastic items.
TOYMech_TOY GUN MOVEMENT-Extra Large Auto Belt BlasterAggressive_B00M_MBTG.wav Hard and quick scrape like sounds, resembling moving heavy and plastic objects around.
TOYMech_TOY GUN MOVEMENT-Extra Large Auto Belt BlasterFast_B00M_MBTG.wav Hard scrape like sounds, resembling moving heavy and plastic objects around in short motions.
TOYMech_TOY GUN MOVEMENT-Extra Large Auto Belt BlasterSlow_B00M_MBTG.wav Hard scrape like sounds, resembling slowly moving heavy and plastic objects around.
TOYMech_TOY GUN MOVEMENT-Extra Large Long Range AssaultAggressive_B00M_MBTG.wav Hard hits and scrape like sounds, resembling big and plastic items shaking.
TOYMech_TOY GUN MOVEMENT-Extra Large Long Range AssaultFast_B00M_MBTG.wav Hard hits and scrape like sounds, resembling big and plastic items quickly shaking.
TOYMech_TOY GUN MOVEMENT-Extra Large Long Range AssaultSlow_B00M_MBTG.wav Hard hits and scrape like sounds, resembling big and plastic items slowly shaking.
TOYMech_TOY GUN MOVEMENT-Handgun Aggressive_B00M_MBTG.wav Short and hard clicks, resembling moving light and plastic items around.
TOYMech_TOY GUN MOVEMENT-Handgun Fast_B00M_MBTG.wav Quick and soft hits with rattling sound.
TOYMech_TOY GUN MOVEMENT-Handgun Flick Fast Subtle_B00M_MBTG.wav Quick clicks, resembling reloading a big and plastic gun.
TOYMech_TOY GUN MOVEMENT-Handgun Slow_B00M_MBTG.wav Hard rattling, resembling moving heavy and plastic objects around.
TOYMech_TOY GUN MOVEMENT-Large Auto Blaster Aggressive_B00M_MBTG.wav Hard and distorted hits, resembling moving heavy and plastic objects around.
TOYMech_TOY GUN MOVEMENT-Large Auto Blaster Fast_B00M_MBTG.wav Short and hard hits, resembling shaking heavy and plastic items.
TOYMech_TOY GUN MOVEMENT-Large Auto Blaster Slow_B00M_MBTG.wav Hard hits, resembling slowly shaking heavy and plastic objects.
TOYMech_TOY GUN MOVEMENT-Large Rotary Aggressive_B00M_MBTG.wav Hard, distorted, and wobbly hits.
TOYMech_TOY GUN MOVEMENT-Large Rotary Fast_B00M_MBTG.wav Hard and short scrape like sounds.
TOYMech_TOY GUN MOVEMENT-Large Rotary Slow_B00M_MBTG.wav Continuous, slow, and heavy rattle like sound.
TOYMech_TOY GUN MOVEMENT-Medium Auto Rifle Aggressive_B00M_MBTG.wav Several short, hard, and distorted hits.
TOYMech_TOY GUN MOVEMENT-Medium Auto Rifle Fast_B00M_MBTG.wav Short and hard hits with quick scrape like sounds.
TOYMech_TOY GUN MOVEMENT-Medium Auto Rifle Slow_B00M_MBTG.wav Hard hits, resembling shaking heavy and plastic objects.
TOYMech_TOY GUN MOVEMENT-Medium Blaster Fast Light_B00M_MBTG.wav Short and hard hits, resembling shaking heavy and plastic items.
TOYMech_TOY GUN MOVEMENT-Medium Blaster Fast_B00M_MBTG.wav Short and hard rattle, resembling shaking heavy and plastic objects.
TOYMech_TOY GUN MOVEMENT-Medium Blaster Slow Complex_B00M_MBTG.wav Hard and distorted hits with scrape like sounds.
TOYMech_TOY GUN MOVEMENT-Medium Blaster Soft_B00M_MBTG.wav Hard hits, resembling shaking heavy and plastic objects.
TOYMech_TOY GUN MOVEMENT-Medium Modular AssaultAggressive_B00M_MBTG.wav Hard and distorted hits with scrape like sounds.
TOYMech_TOY GUN MOVEMENT-Medium Modular Assault Fast_B00M_MBTG.wav Short, hard, and distorted hits, like slow rattling.
TOYMech_TOY GUN MOVEMENT-Medium Modular Assault Slow_B00M_MBTG.wav Hard and distorted hits, like slow and heavy rattling.
TOYMech_TOY GUN MOVEMENT-Medium Modular RifleAggressive_B00M_MBTG.wav Hard and distorted hits, like heavy and plastic items falling on top of each other.
TOYMech_TOY GUN MOVEMENT-Medium Modular Rifle Fast_B00M_MBTG.wav Hard hits with shake like sounds.
TOYMech_TOY GUN MOVEMENT-Medium Modular Rifle Slow_B00M_MBTG.wav Hard, slow, and distorted hits.
TOYMech_TOY GUN MOVEMENT-Medium Revolver Aggressive_B00M_MBTG.wav Hard and quick hits, resembling moving heavy and plastic items around.
TOYMech_TOY GUN MOVEMENT-Medium Revolver Fast_B00M_MBTG.wav Hard and quick clicks with heavy rattling.
TOYMech_TOY GUN MOVEMENT-Medium Revolver Slow_B00M_MBTG.wav Hard and deep hits, resembling slowly shaking heavy and plastic objects.
TOYMech_TOY GUN MOVEMENT-Medium Semi-Assault RotaryAggressive_B00M_MBTG.wav Soft clicks with heavy rattling, resembling moving light and plastic items around.
TOYMech_TOY GUN MOVEMENT-Medium Semi-Assault RotaryFast_B00M_MBTG.wav Soft hits and quick scrape like sounds.
TOYMech_TOY GUN MOVEMENT-Medium Semi-Assault RotaryShake_B00M_MBTG.wav Soft rattling with light scrape like sounds.
TOYMech_TOY GUN MOVEMENT-Medium Semi-Assault RotarySlow_B00M_MBTG.wav Hard hits with shake like sounds, resembling moving heavy and plastic items around.
TOYMech_TOY GUN MOVEMENT-Microgun Aggressive_B00M_MBTG.wav Hard rattling, resembling moving light and plastic objects around.
TOYMech_TOY GUN MOVEMENT-Microgun Fast_B00M_MBTG.wav Short and quick rattling, resembling moving light and plastic objects around.
TOYMech_TOY GUN MOVEMENT-Microgun Slow_B00M_MBTG.wav Soft rattling, resembling moving light and plastic objects around.
TOYMech_TOY GUN MOVEMENT-Missile Launcher Aggressive_B00M_MBTG.wav Hard and slow clicks of different intensity.
TOYMech_TOY GUN MOVEMENT-Missile Launcher Fast_B00M_MBTG.wav Quick and hard clicks, resembling slow rattling.
TOYMech_TOY GUN MOVEMENT-Missile Launcher Slow_B00M_MBTG.wav Slow and hard clicks, resembling shaking a heavy and plastic object.
TOYMech_TOY GUN MOVEMENT-Pull-Back Paintball GunAggressive_B00M_MBTG.wav Hard hits, resembling rattling of heavy and plastic items.
TOYMech_TOY GUN MOVEMENT-Pull-Back Paintball Gun Fast_B00M_MBTG.wav Quick rattling, resembling heavy and plastic items hitting each other.
TOYMech_TOY GUN MOVEMENT-Pull-Back Paintball Gun Slow_B00M_MBTG.wav Hard rattling, resembling moving heavy and plastic objects around.
TOYMech_TOY GUN MOVEMENT-Small Clip On Rifle Aggressive_B00M_MBTG.wav Hard, fast, and distorted hits, like moving heavy and plastic objects around.
TOYMech_TOY GUN MOVEMENT-Small Clip On Rifle Fast_B00M_MBTG.wav Hard and fast hits, resembling heavy and plastic items rattling.
TOYMech_TOY GUN MOVEMENT-Small Clip On Rifle Slow_B00M_MBTG.wav Slow and hard hits, resembling heavy rattling.
TOYMech_TOY GUN MOVEMENT-Small Hand Pistol Aggressive_B00M_MBTG.wav Hard hits, resembling slow and heavy rattling.
TOYMech_TOY GUN MOVEMENT-Small Hand Pistol Fast_B00M_MBTG.wav Quick clicks, resembling soft shaking of heavy and plastic objects.
TOYMech_TOY GUN MOVEMENT-Small Hand Pistol Slow_B00M_MBTG.wav Soft clicks with short and light scrape like sounds.
TOYMech_TOY GUN MOVEMENT-Small Hand Rotary Aggressive_B00M_MBTG.wav Fast and hard clicks, resembling heavy rattling.
TOYMech_TOY GUN MOVEMENT-Small Hand Rotary Fast_B00M_MBTG.wav Quick clicks, resembling shaking a heavy and plastic object.
TOYMech_TOY GUN MOVEMENT-Small Hand Rotary Slow_B00M_MBTG.wav Slow ad hard hits with heavy shaking.
TOYMech_TOY GUN MOVEMENT-Small Handgun Aggressive_B00M_MBTG.wav Slow and hard hits, resembling heavy rattling.
TOYMech_TOY GUN MOVEMENT-Small Handgun Fast_B00M_MBTG.wav Quick clicks, resembling soft rattling.
TOYMech_TOY GUN MOVEMENT-Small Handgun Slow_B00M_MBTG.wav Slow and simultaneous clicks of different intensity.
TOYMech_TOY GUN MOVEMENT-Small Pullback BlasterAggressive_B00M_MBTG.wavHard hits, resembling moving heavy and plastic objects around.
TOYMech_TOY GUN MOVEMENT-Small Pullback Blaster Fast_B00M_MBTG.wav Quick hits, resembling heavy and plastic objects rattling.
TOYMech_TOY GUN MOVEMENT-Small Pullback Blaster Slow_B00M_MBTG.wav Slow rattling with several hard hits.
TOYMech_TOY GUN RELOAD-Double Shotgun Fast Flick_B00M_MBTG.wav Single quick hit, resembling pressing a big and plastic button.
TOYMech_TOY GUN RELOAD-Double Shotgun Fast Light_B00M_MBTG.wav Single quick click, resembling pressing a big and plastic button.
TOYMech_TOY GUN RELOAD-Double Shotgun Fast_B00M_MBTG.wav Single soft hit with feedback, resembling pulling a plastic trigger.
TOYMech_TOY GUN RELOAD-Double Shotgun Slow_B00M_MBTG.wav Several soft clicks, resembling slowly rotating a drum magazine.
TOYMech_TOY GUN RELOAD-Double Shotgun_B00M_MBTG.wav Soft rattle with light hit at the end, resembling rotating a drum magazine.
TOYMech_TOY GUN RELOAD-Extra Large Auto Belt Blaster Fast_B00M_MBTG.wav Hard and quick hits with scrape like sounds.
TOYMech_TOY GUN RELOAD-Extra Large Auto Belt Blaster Slow_B00M_MBTG.wav Hard hits with scrape like sounds.
TOYMech_TOY GUN RELOAD-Extra Large Auto Belt Blaster_B00M_MBTG.wav Sharp and short scrape like sounds.
TOYMech_TOY GUN RELOAD-Extra Large Long Range AssaultFast_B00M_MBTG.wav Sharp, quick, and hard scrape like sounds.
TOYMech_TOY GUN RELOAD-Extra Large Long Range AssaultSlow_B00M_MBTG.wav Long scrape like sound, followed by hard hit.
TOYMech_TOY GUN RELOAD-Extra Large Long Range Assault_B00M_MBTG.wav Hard scrape like sounds, followed by hit.
TOYMech_TOY GUN RELOAD-Handgun Fast_B00M_MBTG.wav Single hard click, resembling quickly pressing a plastic button.
TOYMech_TOY GUN RELOAD-Handgun Slow_B00M_MBTG.wav Several soft clicks, resembling slowly crumpling a light and plastic item.
TOYMech_TOY GUN RELOAD-Handgun_B00M_MBTG.wav Fast rattle with a soft hit. In come variations sounds more like soft click.
TOYMech_TOY GUN RELOAD-Large Rotary Fast_B00M_MBTG.wav Two quick clicks, with slight scrape like sound.
TOYMech_TOY GUN RELOAD-Large Rotary Slow_B00M_MBTG.wav Short rattle like sound, followed by hit.
TOYMech_TOY GUN RELOAD-Large Rotary_B00M_MBTG.wav Short scrape like sound, followed by soft hit.
TOYMech_TOY GUN RELOAD-Medium Blaster Chunky Fast_B00M_MBTG.wav Two quick hits with scrape like sounds.
TOYMech_TOY GUN RELOAD-Medium Blaster Chunky_B00M_MBTG.wav Two slow hits with scrape like sounds.
TOYMech_TOY GUN RELOAD-Medium Blaster Fast_B00M_MBTG.wav Two quick and hard clicks, resembling short scrape like sounds.
TOYMech_TOY GUN RELOAD-Medium Blaster Pull Back_B00M_MBTG.wav Two slow and hard clicks, resembling scrape like sounds.
TOYMech_TOY GUN RELOAD-Medium Modular Assault Fast_B00M_MBTG.wav Two quick clicks, with slight scrape like sound.
TOYMech_TOY GUN RELOAD-Medium Modular Assault Slow_B00M_MBTG.wav Two quick clicks, followed by short rattle like sound.
TOYMech_TOY GUN RELOAD-Medium Modular Assault_B00M_MBTG.wav Hard and deep clicks with short scrape like sounds.
TOYMech_TOY GUN RELOAD-Medium Modular Rifle Chunky Fast_B00M_MBTG.wav Quick and hard hits with short scrape like sounds.
TOYMech_TOY GUN RELOAD-Medium Modular Rifle Chunky Slow_B00M_MBTG.wav Hard hit, followed by a click and scrape like sounds.
TOYMech_TOY GUN RELOAD-Medium Modular Rifle Chunky_B00M_MBTG.wav Two hard, hits with short and slow scrape like sounds.
TOYMech_TOY GUN RELOAD-Medium Modular Rifle Fast_B00M_MBTG.wav Two short clicks, resembling pressing a big and plastic button.
TOYMech_TOY GUN RELOAD-Medium Modular Rifle Slow_B00M_MBTG.wav Heavy clicks and hits, with slow rattle like sound.
TOYMech_TOY GUN RELOAD-Medium Modular Rifle_B00M_MBTG.wav Two short and quick hits, resembling pressing a big and plastic button.
TOYMech_TOY GUN RELOAD-Medium Revolver Alternate_B00M_MBTG.wav Two hard clicks with short scrape like sounds.
TOYMech_TOY GUN RELOAD-Medium Revolver Fast_B00M_MBTG.wav Two quick clicks with short scrape like sounds.
TOYMech_TOY GUN RELOAD-Medium Revolver Slow_B00M_MBTG.wav Two quick and hard clicks, followed by a soft hit.
TOYMech_TOY GUN RELOAD-Medium Revolver_B00M_MBTG.wav Two short clicks, resembling pressing a big and plastic button.
TOYMech_TOY GUN RELOAD-Medium Semi-Assault Rotary Fast_B00M_MBTG.wav Two quick and short scrape like sounds.
TOYMech_TOY GUN RELOAD-Medium Semi-Assault Rotary Slow_B00M_MBTG.wav Soft and slow rattle in two short motions.
TOYMech_TOY GUN RELOAD-Medium Semi-Assault Rotary_B00M_MBTG.wav Soft rattle with short scrape like sounds.
TOYMech_TOY GUN RELOAD-Microgun Fast_B00M_MBTG.wav Short and hard clicks, resembling slow rattling.
TOYMech_TOY GUN RELOAD-Microgun Slow_B00M_MBTG.wav Very light click, similar to soft clink sound.
TOYMech_TOY GUN RELOAD-Missile Launcher Fast_B00M_MBTG.wav Two quick hits with scrape like element.
TOYMech_TOY GUN RELOAD-Missile Launcher Slow_B00M_MBTG.wav Two hard clicks, followed by a short scrape like sound and a hit.
TOYMech_TOY GUN RELOAD-Missile Launcher_B00M_MBTG.wav Two hard clicks with scrape like sound.
TOYMech_TOY GUN RELOAD-Pull-Back Paintball Gun _B00M_MBTG.wav Soft rattle, followed by a hard click.
TOYMech_TOY GUN RELOAD-Pull-Back Paintball Gun FastChunky_B00M_MBTG.wav Soft hits with short scrape like sounds.
TOYMech_TOY GUN RELOAD-Pull-Back Paintball Gun Fast_B00M_MBTG.wav Soft and short rattle like sound, immediately followed by a click.
TOYMech_TOY GUN RELOAD-Pull-Back Paintball Gun Slow_B00M_MBTG.wav Two soft hits with rattle like element, followed by another soft hit.
TOYMech_TOY GUN RELOAD-Small Clip On Rifle Fast_B00M_MBTG.wav Two quick hits with scrape like element.
TOYMech_TOY GUN RELOAD-Small Clip On Rifle Slow_B00M_MBTG.wav Hard clicks with soft rattle and scrape like sounds.
TOYMech_TOY GUN RELOAD-Small Clip On Rifle_B00M_MBTG.wav Two sharp and hard clicks with short scrape like sounds.
TOYMech_TOY GUN RELOAD-Small Hand Pistol Fast_B00M_MBTG.wav Short and quick clicks with light scrape like sound.
TOYMech_TOY GUN RELOAD-Small Hand Pistol Slow_B00M_MBTG.wav Soft clicks, resembling slow rattling.
TOYMech_TOY GUN RELOAD-Small Hand Pistol_B00M_MBTG.wav Soft click, similar to clink sound.
TOYMech_TOY GUN RELOAD-Small Hand Rotary Fast_B00M_MBTG.wav Two short and soft clicks, resembling pressing a big and plastic button.
TOYMech_TOY GUN RELOAD-Small Hand Rotary Slow_B00M_MBTG.wav Soft and slow clicks with soft rattle like sound.
TOYMech_TOY GUN RELOAD-Small Hand Rotary_B00M_MBTG.wav Two soft clicks, followed by a hit.
TOYMech_TOY GUN RELOAD-Small Handgun Fast_B00M_MBTG.wav Quick and short clicks, resembling pressing a plastic button.
TOYMech_TOY GUN RELOAD-Small Handgun Slow_B00M_MBTG.wav Short scrape like sound, followed by soft click.
TOYMech_TOY GUN RELOAD-Small Handgun_B00M_MBTG.wav Soft hit with short and light scrape like sound.
TOYMech_TOY GUN RELOAD-Small Pullback Blaster Fast_B00M_MBTG.wav Two short and hard clicks with light scrape light sound.
TOYMech_TOY GUN RELOAD-Small Pullback Blaster Slow_B00M_MBTG.wav Soft and irregular clicks, followed by a light hit.
TOYMech_TOY GUN RELOAD-Small Pullback Blaster_B00M_MBTG.wav Two hard clicks with slight creak.
TOYMech_TOY GUN SHOT-Double Shotgun Double_B00M_MBTG.wav Two quick and soft clicks, resembling pressing a plastic button.
TOYMech_TOY GUN SHOT-Double Shotgun_B00M_MBTG.wav Single dull and hard click, resembling a thump.
TOYMech_TOY GUN SHOT-Extra Large Auto Belt Blaster AutoLong_B00M_MBTG.wav Multiple shots fired with motor softly running and stopping at the end.
TOYMech_TOY GUN SHOT-Extra Large Auto Belt Blaster AutoShort_B00M_MBTG.wav Shots fired with motor softly running and stopping at the end.
TOYMech_TOY GUN SHOT-Extra Large Auto Belt Blaster Click_B00M_MBTG.wav Hard click, followed by motor stopping.
TOYMech_TOY GUN SHOT-Extra Large Auto Belt Blaster_B00M_MBTG.wav Motor is running with click at the end.
TOYMech_TOY GUN SHOT-Extra Large Long Range Assault_B00M_MBTG.wav Two quick and short shots fired.
TOYMech_TOY GUN SHOT-Handgun_B00M_MBTG.wav Single hard and heavy hit. Distorted in some variations.
TOYMech_TOY GUN SHOT-Large Auto Blaster Burst Long_B00M_MBTG.wav Multiple shots continuously fired with motor running and stopping at the end.
TOYMech_TOY GUN SHOT-Large Auto Blaster Burst_B00M_MBTG.wav Shots fired with motor softly running and stopping at the end.
TOYMech_TOY GUN SHOT-Large Auto Blaster_B00M_MBTG.wav Single shot fired with motor softly running and stopping at the end.
TOYMech_TOY GUN SHOT-Large Rotary_B00M_MBTG.wav Single click with scrape like sound.
TOYMech_TOY GUN SHOT-Medium Auto Rifle_B00M_MBTG.wav Motor starts revving up and stops with a hard click.
TOYMech_TOY GUN SHOT-Medium Blaster_B00M_MBTG.wav Single hard and deep click.
TOYMech_TOY GUN SHOT-Medium Modular Assault_B00M_MBTG.wav Single hard click, resembling quickly pressing a plastic button.
TOYMech_TOY GUN SHOT-Medium Modular Rifle_B00M_MBTG.wav Single hard click, resembling pressing a plastic button.
TOYMech_TOY GUN SHOT-Medium Revolver_B00M_MBTG.wav Single hard and heavy hit, resembling chopping wood.
TOYMech_TOY GUN SHOT-Medium Semi-Assault Rotary_B00M_MBTG.wav Single heavy click, resembling a very fast rattle.
TOYMech_TOY GUN SHOT-Microgun_B00M_MBTG.wav Singe dull, hard, and heavy hit.
TOYMech_TOY GUN SHOT-Missile Launcher Short_B00M_MBTG.wav Single hard click with short scrape like sound.
TOYMech_TOY GUN SHOT-Missile Launcher_B00M_MBTG.wav Single hard click, resembling pressing a big and plastic button.
TOYMech_TOY GUN SHOT-Pull-Back Paintball Gun _B00M_MBTG.wav Single hard hit with short scrape like sound.
TOYMech_TOY GUN SHOT-Small Clip On Rifle_B00M_MBTG.wav Single hard click with scrape like sound.
TOYMech_TOY GUN SHOT-Small Hand Pistol_B00M_MBTG.wav Single hard click, resembling pressing a plastic button.
TOYMech_TOY GUN SHOT-Small Hand Rotary_B00M_MBTG.wav Single click with short scrape like sound.
TOYMech_TOY GUN SHOT-Small Handgun_B00M_MBTG.wav Single short, hard, and heavy hit.
TOYMech_TOY GUN SHOT-Small Pullback Blaster_B00M_MBTG.wav Single very soft click, resembling pressing a plastic button