Imagine typing words on your computer in any language and hearing a world-class symphony choir sing those words in whatever keys you play “live” on your keyboard controller! Well imagine no more, that’s exactly what this revolutionary “award-winning” virtual instrument does. In addition, the Platinum version (the Gold version has one mic position and is 16-bit) is the first 24-bit Choir virtual instrument that includes three simultaneous stereo microphone settings (near, stage, and hall), so users can mix any combination microphone position for ambiance control. The choirs were recorded in the same concert hall by the same team as the East-West Symphony Orchestra and fit perfectly with the EWQLSO.
We’ve also included Symphonic Choirs Expansion in this release as it only took up an extra GB or so.
“The Symphonic Choirs Expansion (content of Voices of the Apocalypse) was recorded separately at 24-bit resolution and with one microphone.”
To create the feeling of a live concert hall, each instrument and section was recorded with three microphone positions: side by side, on stage (conductor position) and in the hall. By selecting different microphone positions, users can mix these sounds together to create any natural atmosphere they need for their project. This eliminates the need for artificial reverb.
The Symphonic Choirs Expansion (content of Voices of the Apocalypse) was recorded separately in 24-bit resolution with one microphone position.
Wordbuilder, now built into the EastWest Play software, is a word-creation software that allows users of Symphonic Choirs and Symphonic Choirs Expansion to enter words to sing choirs. This revolutionary software also includes a pop-up menu containing popular ready-made phrases that you can download instantly. This is a real time saver for those with tight deadlines. Phrases have been optimized for each chorus. The phrase menu is customizable so you can add your own phrases to WordBuilder for quick and easy access. This is the most powerful solution for vocals.
– New word-creation software built into Play (plus new ready-made phrases and words).
– Extended ranges (sopranos D3 to E5, altos F2 to A4, tenors C2 to D4, basses B0 to D3)
– Intuitive customizable interface
– Intelligent Performance section including Portamento, Repetition, Legato, Round Robin Reset
– Improved articulation window and controls
– Mic position mixing on screen
– State of the art Convolution reverb with pre-delay and additional master control to direct reverb to all instruments in an instance
– Convolution includes hall chorus recording for additional hall ambiance control
– Intelligent release trail engine that constantly monitors the volume of sample notes so release trails always match.
– Release trails are not affected by mod wheel crossfade programs, radical mod wheel movements do not degrade release trails
– Instant recall of custom key switches
– Key switch sizes are now unlimited
– State of the art sound quality with high resolution audio engine
– Single pole Hi Fidelity filter for natural transitions
– It is now possible to edit a stereo image using channel sources.
– Completely reprogrammed for the EastWest PLAY software from the original recordings.
1. From the R2R folder, copy the “Previews”, “ProductChunks”, “products” folders to the “C:\ProgramData\East West” folder.
2. Copy the library to the HDD in any convenient place.
3. Launch our PLAY sampler, go to the Browser tab.
4. Right-click on an empty space in the left column of the Browser tab, and select “Add Another Product Library” from the pop-up window.
5. Specify the location of the library folder.