Milan Digital Audio LLC – Hauptwerk

The next version of the sampler Hauptwerk – a professional emulator of wind organ.
In this distribution, the option “without a bell” is presented , that is, the program is formally
remains trial, but the main factor of trial – periodic sounding of the bell – has been eliminated.
Starting with version 4.0, Hauptwerk has new features: a built-in audio and midi recorder that
records not only notes, but also switching registers and other devices, the
ability to use combinations, copulators, crescendos from the program itself, regardless of their presence in a particular organ ,
.. autodetect connected mIDI devices, etc., and in version 4.1 are the following:
Compatibility with Windows 8.1
Absence of key drivers (with a clean installation)
Finally, for subjective assessments of some users, the improvement of the sound, he became brighter and more realistic
(as whether it is, everyone will decide for himself individually)
More economical use of memory and processor resources is also noted.
A complete list of changes in the update is available in the program menu in the Help section, or on the official website.
Installation instructions in the distribution!
The update to version can be downloaded from the link below. The
main feature of this update is the working Wind supply model – a unique system of fine sound modulation filters that
simulates the movement of air in the pressure and storage system of an organ: bellows, tanks, windlads.
Until now, it was absent in all trial versions of XB and, by the way,
in licensed versions for American buyers, due to US patent restrictions.
Update Download
MacOS version Here
(Download from mega account!)


A small FAQ, answers to typical beginner questions

Connecting keyboards

Initially, there is no connection, you need to activate it from the menu:
Organ settings – Keyboards There you can also autodetect your midi keyboard (or on the organ console with the right mouse button on the keyboard)

By default, keyboards are assigned to MIDI channels from bottom to top:
Pedal keyboard – 1 channel;
Lower manual – 2 channel
, etc.
You can reassign them as you want

Hauptwerk as VSTi

Using Hauptwerk as a VSTi isn’t difficult, it just isn’t very common.
In the host, you will see only an empty window. Additionally, you need to run Hauptwerk as an application by
setting Audio outputs in it as Hauptwerk VST Link

Hauptwerk and reverb
There is no internal reverb in it, so the solution would be a circuit in any VST host:
Hauptwerk as a VST instrument + reverb as a VST effect
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4 months ago

Can you get me hauptwerk for mac osx